Personality characteristics


What are your personality characteristics?
In what ways do ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​they affect your attitude at work? –
How does your work attitude affect your job performance and behavior?


Sample Solution

The “Big 5” personality qualities are the five basic dimensions of personality, according to many modern personality psychologists. The theory identifies extraversion (also known as extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism as the five major personality traits. Long-standing trait theories of personality have sought to determine the precise number of personality qualities. Earlier theories have proposed a wide range of potential features, such as Raymond Cattell’s 16 personality components, Hans Eysenck’s three-factor theory, and Gordon Allport’s list of 4,000 personality traits. However, many scientists believed that Cattell’s hypothesis was overly convoluted and Eysenck’s was too constrained.

indicator of NCLEX-RN achievement and disappointment rates. Execution on the NLNCATBS test anticipated NCLEX-RN achievement 94.7% and disappointment 25% of the time. NCLEX-RN disappointment was more hard to foresee and for the most part less precisely anticipated (Seldomridge and DiBartolo, 2004). McGahee (2010) at first inspected nine scholarly factors to decide whether these factors were indicators of first-endeavor NCLEX-RN achievement. Beginning information assortment prompted changes in the projects educational program and affirmation strategy and as personnel noted patterns normal to understudies who were fruitless on the NCLEX-RN. In 2007, changes were additionally made to the review’s system. Rather than nine free factors, the review smoothed out the autonomous factors to three. Discoveries of the review demonstrated progress in Pathophysiology, the Theoretical Foundations course and scores on RN Assessment Test were all singular indicators of first-endeavor NCLEX-RN achievement. In any case, mixes of the three free factors expanded their prescient ability to decide NCLEX-RN first-endeavor. The joined impacts of the RN Assessment Test score and the Pathophysiology course brought about the most grounded indicator of NCLEX-RN achievement. Further, pre-imperative science GPA when joined with any of the other free factors was a measurably critical indicator of first-endeavor NCLEX-RN achievement (McGahee, 2010).


Lynton and Thomas (1980) concentrated on endeavors to construct college populace programs and recognized fundamental aspects that prompted a foundation building hypothesis and association climate indicative system. Three vital factors to be incorporated inside the system are the idea of the climate, interior design and cycles, like initiative, projects, and independent direction and an idea of the association’s main role. There are upholds from society through foundation assets like financial plans and wares; halfway items like administration, teaching, programs, inside designs, and linkages; and eventual outcomes like administrations, impacts to society, and institutional reinvestments back to the college to work with additional transitional items. Normal shortfalls in linkages and linkage networks are useful irregularity, over-burden and struggle, and fundamental outside and inner connections (Lynton and Thomas, 1980). A proactive position is significant for an association’s prosperity, alongside moderately high independence of the units on which the association depends for its assets and for the utilization of its results or items. Lynton (1974) expounded on planning as a manual for the improvement of any endeavor, however with an emphasis on colleges, all the more explicitly an endeavor to foster a college populace program. It is vital for search externally toward the local area, strategy creators, organizers, and managers, to decide a sensible point of view about what is required and what is probably going to be supported. No college program is near its ideal size, however a few projects surpass a size they can make due (Lynton, 1974). Interuniversity networks for joint effort are significant components. Lynton noticed that numerous

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