Perspect In Sustainability


Describe the sustainability practices of a business or organization that you frequently engage with.

How do you think the business or organization is greenwashing? Explain.
How is the business or organization being socially responsible? Explain.

Sample Solution

ustainability Practices

Starbucks has made considerable strides in sustainability, particularly in areas of coffee sourcing and waste reduction. The company has implemented the following practices:

  1. Starbucks Commits Over $50 Million to Sustainable Waste and Water Funds Toward a Resource-Positive Future


  • Ethical sourcing: Starbucks has been a pioneer in ensuring ethical sourcing of its coffee beans, with a focus on fair trade and direct trade relationships with farmers.
  1. How We Approach Ethical Sourcing – Starbucks®️ Coffee


  • Recycling: The company has made significant investments in recycling programs, encouraging customers to recycle cups and other waste.
  1. Starbucks Asks Customers Worldwide to Use Tumblers and Help Reduce Environmental Impacts


  • Reusable cup program: Starbucks offers incentives to customers who bring their own reusable cups, reducing paper cup waste.
  1. 6 things Starbucks learned from its reusable cup experiments – GreenBiz


  • Energy efficiency: The company has implemented energy-efficient practices in its stores, such as LED lighting and smart thermostats.
  1. Starbucks Industry-Leading Design Initiatives Help Reduce Environmental Footprint of Global Store Operations


Greenwashing Concerns

While Starbucks has made commendable efforts, there are areas where greenwashing might be a concern:

  • Focus on single-use cups: Despite promoting reusable cups, the company’s business model heavily relies on single-use cups. While recycling programs exist, reducing consumption at the source would be a more significant impact.
  1. Starbucks’ customers in the US and Canada can use their own cups for all orders | GreenBiz


  • Offsetting emissions: Starbucks has invested in carbon offset projects to compensate for its emissions. While this is a step in the right direction, it doesn’t address the core issue of reducing emissions.
  • Marketing emphasis: The company often highlights its sustainability efforts in marketing campaigns, which can sometimes overshadow the complexities of environmental issues.

Social Responsibility

Starbucks has also demonstrated a commitment to social responsibility:

  • Employee benefits: The company offers competitive wages and benefits to its employees, including tuition reimbursement, which is unusual in the retail industry.
  1. Starbucks Raises the Bar with Industry-Leading Employee Benefits, Outperforming Competitors


  • Community involvement: Starbucks supports local communities through various initiatives, including grants and partnerships with non-profit organizations.
  1. The Starbucks Foundation


  • Diversity and inclusion: The company has made efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within its workforce and supply chain.
  1. Inclusion & Diversity Initiatives – Starbucks Stories


While Starbucks has made significant progress in sustainability and social responsibility, there is still room for improvement. A more holistic approach that focuses on reducing environmental impact and addressing social inequalities is essential for the company to truly become a leader in sustainability.


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