Perspective on religion



Discuss your personal experience (or lack thereof) with and perspective on religion to this point in your life and reflect on what you expect from this course. Some guiding questions:

Would you consider yourself to be a “religious” person? Why or why not?
What religion(s) are you personally most familiar with?
How is your involvement with religion today different from how it was when you were growing up?
How do you think this course might relate to your own life and/or program of study/present or future career?
How might this course challenge you: intellectually, spiritually, academically or otherwise? How do you plan to address those challenges?


Sample Solution

Perspective on religion

Religion, human being`s relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of special reverence. I consider myself a religious person because I am a seeker of truth. I am religious enough to do my essential rituals, believe in God and all that He says. Am always grateful to God no matter the situation am in. I believe in Christianity. I believe in one God that created heaven, earth and the universe. I believe Jesus is the “Messiah” (savior of the world) and that He is the son of God. He died on the cross so that my sins would be forgiven and see the kingdom of God.






Socialism is an extremely stopped political hypothesis. It has never been rehearsed in the United States. It is typically positioned in a truly flimsy world of politics like Cuba and China. A typical agreement on socialism is this is an excellent thought, however as a general rule it leaves something to be desired. Individuals consistently prefer to settle on choices themselves. Karl Marx is known as the “father” of Communism. He composed the “Socialist Party Declaration” in 1848, he was in this manner perceived.

“Network” is a shapeless term on the off chance that it is utilized interchangeably with “gathering”. People are individuals from numerous gatherings and are accordingly part of numerous networks. School is a network. The people group is a network. The city is a network. The expert is a network. The congregation is a network. Subsequently, schools are a) networks, b) substances in bigger networks, and c) littler networks. That implies excessively, the network has neither rhyme nor reason. Schools examine well about their associations with the network. This demonstrates the school is not quite the same as the network. In reality, schools exist in covering networks and can go about as networks themselves. The people group is a gathering of individuals who are identified with one another and share normal qualities. Geology is neither a network, a part nor a happenstance.

A gathering of individuals in a network with a typical point (eg history, values, dedication, shared objectives). In this structure, network individuals are given enrollments (eg “comparable”) characterized by individuals’ possession dependent on outside definition measures identified with network capacities (eg as school of understudies) and individual trust for participation Recognition) is incorporated. Individuals with political or social issues 2 Citizenship is the way that the basic association among individuals is more noteworthy than that of huge families (counting relatives), and resident’s dynamic, interest, administration and It is the standard of authoritative administration. , Mechanism and Process

The expression “network” is frequently used to allude to where individuals live and to all individuals living there. A people group may likewise allude to a gathering of individuals who perceive themselves as networks since encounters, life stories, values, religion, culture, and so forth are shared. The chairman can consider his town a network, however in many urban communities there are a few self-characterized networks – the Italian-American people group, the gay network, the Jewish people group, the African American people group, the business network I don’t accept that all individuals from these networks have a similar view or act a similar way, yet I think there is something in the same manner as different individuals from the network.


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