Identify a source or method of influence that informs, “persuades,” and impacts how you think, act, and view the world. Describe:
the positive and negative of this influencer
what things you could do to improve your ability to become more personally responsible, better informed, and how to exercise greater “critical thinking”
Think of a time you were in a situation where you were influenced by one of the compliance techniques described in the text (e.g.,foot-in-the-door, lowballing, door-in-the-face,that’s not all, law of reciprocity). It could have been with a sales person, a family member, a friend, etc. Identify the:
factors that caused you to conform
whether you think it was a good thing or a bad thing that you conformed – whether you felt manipulated or pressured in any way

Sample Solution

techniques can enhance autistic children’s communication in a socially meaningful way. A study was done that evaluated peer incidental teaching as a way to increase peer interactions by children with ASD (McGee, Almeida, Sulzer-Azaroff, and Feldman, 1992). The study gave a typical child something to say that would elicit a response from their peer with ASD (McGee et al., 1992). Three typical preschoolers were trained and paired with three children with ASD in a natural free play environment (McGee et al., 1992). There was adult supervision that was systematically faded throughout the sessions, which resulted in increase reciprocal interactions among the peers (McGee et al., 1992). Evidence showed that peer incidental teaching was effective in improving and enhancing reciprocal interactions among children with autism and their typical peers (McGee et al., 1992).

Expansion of Incidental Teaching Methods

Incidental teaching is the most common among speech and verbal words and phrases. It is proven to help a child engage with toys, respond in social settings, social tolerance of peers, and imitation of peers (McGee et al., 1999). Hart and Risley (1975) discussed that children were able to develop compound sentences on their own based on the teaching procedures of incidental teaching. Incidental teaching encourages the use of conversational language because of the use in generalized settings with different people (McGee & Daly, 2007).

It is evident how successful incidental teaching is in the realm of functional language interactions. However, McGee, Krantz, and McClannahan (1986) completed an extension of incidental teaching procedures of Hart and Risley (1975) to teach reading instruction for autistic children. The study consisted of two a

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