PESTLE analysis on external risk factor that may affect the project


S​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​cenario The funding pitch went extremely well, and you just received word that your idea for the new product/service has been approved. In fact, senior management sent a memo, company-wide, announcing the project. One line in the memo really caught your attention: “We are eager to see the project to completion and the many other product offerings to come from this initiative.” You reach out to the project manager (PM) and are told that, typically, senior management expects to see product/service extensions or some type of next steps stemming from an original product. This could include different versions of the product/service, such as cheaper or premium versions, new targeted customers, and more. The PM also adds that senior management will look for contingency planning to protect the funding for the project. Prompt For your business continuity plan, consider your next steps, including project improvements and how to mitigate risk to the project to protect the product investment. To accomplish this, you must leverage employee and customer feedback on the new product/service. Additionally, research the market a​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​nd use a PESTLE analysis to examine if any external factor could affect your new product offering. Specifically, your plan must address the following criteria: Business continuity plan: Outline a basic business continuity plan for your business that identifies key business areas and critical functions as well as identifies at least one measure for recovering or maintaining critical business operations in case of an emergency. Include how you will ensure that this plan is followed. Post-launch stage: Propose new ideas for the post-launch stage, including one idea for a product/service improvement you plan to implement after the initial launch, and one idea for increasing your customer base or engagement after the initial launch. Feedback loops: Explain how you will implement feedback loops for your product or service. PESTLE analysis: Use PESTLE analysis to identify at least one external risk factor that may affect the project. Then provide a solution or contingency plan for mitigating that risk.



Sample Solution

The imagery and symbolism of the dagger is used throughout the play as, it elevates and reinforces the guilt and ambition within the characters throughout the play. The strong symbolism of the dagger in the play leads Macbeth to the start of his downfall. He states, “When we have marked with blood those sleepy two/Of his own chamber and used their very daggers,/That they have done ’t?” (Shakespeare I, vii, 75-78). During the planning of Duncan’s death Macbeth makes regular attempts to back out and maintain his spotless honor and dignity as a loyal Thane of the King. The dagger symbolize death and subsequent guilt which overtake Macbeth’s thoughts at the moment when he discusses Duncan’s demise; he is already feeling guilty for the mere speculation of committing regicide. Moreover, the intimidating imagery of the dagger elevates Macbeth’s feelings of guilt. Before murdering Duncan, he says, “Or else worth all the rest. I see thee still,/And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood,/Which was not so before. There’s no such thing./It is the bloody business which informs/Thus to mine eyes.” (Shakespeare II, i, 46-50). Macbeth experience a moral crises where the hallucination of a bloody dagger embodies his guilty conscience and serves as a subconscious warning from within that there will be no return from knowingly committing this murder. Macbeth is horrified by this yet notes that his ramblings are wearing away his courage to follow through on his goal, “ Whiles I threat, he lives./Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives.” (Shakespeare II, i, 61-62). In the end his infatuation with his ambition is more dominant it overpowers his need for honor and loyalty. Lastly, the murder weapon is a vessel of Macbeth’s guilt. It is a constant reminder of the crime that he has committed, and it follows him wherever he goes, whether be in his dreams or in reality; he is unable to escape his guilty subconscious. Macbeth never again takes up a weapon against another after his murder of the King due to his self-reproach and the heavy weight of his guilt placed on the weapon. In distancing himself from and denying his guilt, he acts like a tyrant without honor, until his end when he picks up a sword and rather than fleeing with the rest of his men decides to take one last stand and fight with honor up until his death. This can be seen as his acceptance of the guilt he tried so hard to deny, ultimately leading to his imminent downfall. In conclusion the menacing and tragic symbolism of the dagger is shown to elevate and reinforce the ambition and guilty conscience within the characters.

In conclusion, the play Macbeth portrays how imagery and symbolism are used to demonstrate the devastating and tragic effect of unchecked desires within the main characters. The s

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