Physical Therapist VS. Occupational Therapist


Write a 3 paragraphs (500-600 word ) stating the main role as well as overlapping duties of the following health professions.

1- Medical Doctor (or Osteopathic) Vs Chiropractor (first paragraph)

2-Physical Therapist VS. Occupational Therapist (second paragraph)

3- Physician Assistant Vs. Nurse (DNP/FNP or ARNP) (third paragraph)

Conclude with your personal opinion or inclination to any of these professions and why. (Citation is needed andcopy/paste will be penalized as the it will de scanned for plagiarism)


Sample Solution

Physical Therapist VS. Occupational Therapist

Occupational therapists and physical therapists have many overlapping job responsibilities, but the specific roles do vary quite a bit. Occupational therapist` job duties include reviewing patient`s medical history, ask the patients questions, and observe them doing tasks and evaluating a patient`s condition and needs. A physical therapist typically review patients` medical history and any referrals or notes from doctors, surgeons, or other healthcare workers and evaluate and record a patient`s progress, modifying a plan of care and trying new treatments as needed. The most basic difference between physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) is that a PT focuses on improving the patient`s ability to move the body whereas an OT focuses on improving the patient`s ability to perform activities of daily living. Additionally, PT`s foundation was in physical rehabilitation whereas OT was founded in mental healthcare and physical rehabilitation.

challenges and exploit the opportunities we’ve outlined today, I’m confident UK architects can deliver strong economic growth, and the buildings and spaces that meet the needs of our communities”(RIBA,2016).

According to the survey in 2014, the total non-UK nationals were 5.3 million from which 2.9 million were the EU nationals and of those 2.2 million are currently working in the UK. Moreover, relation between EU and UK in future can be politically described as EU is not just a group of states which unites and cooperate with each other, but it’s a group of states who have authorities over judicial and executive decisions through creating a supernatural institutions. It can be seen as one of the most noticeable factor, as the European Court of Justice can overrule national jurisdiction and similarly European Parliament with the Council can effectively replace national laws by offering new laws. Majority of British electorate have claimed rejection over these supranational exercises and it was significant that the UK has rejection on one of the elements of the single market. Furthermore, the relationship which both EU and UK seek to have would be based on intergovernmental form of collaboration. This means there will no legal rights of free movements in the labour sector but through a controlled labour mobility plus a contribution to the EU budget. The main purpose of such proposal is to continue the cooperation on matters of common interest. Talking in an interview to The Guardian, Theresa May stated:

“The future framework for our relation with the European Union clearly identifies that we will have an independent trade policy and we will be able to do negotiable trade deals with countries around the rest of the world”(BBC,2016).

One of the biggest worry for EU is the effect of Brexit upon its pharmaceutical industry. European Medicines Agency (EMA) which was based in London since its foundation in 1995, will have to relocate there headquarter from London to any other 27 remaining member states of the EU. EMA which runs the EU centralized system for approving new medicines and also act as a regulatory body of national competence authorities (NCA) and is also responsible for licensing and regulating drugs in each member state. However, the EU was hoping to minimize the threat by slowing down the transfer process over a phased transition period of few years along with the gradual withdrawal of UK

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