Define PICOT-D Question
Briefly describe what you have learned from feedback given by your instructor regarding your PICOT question.
How will you frame your PICOT differently moving forward? Be specific about what components, if any, that
you will change.
FEEDBACK from Professor:
1. P: (Problem) Define the specific population more clear such as Long Term Care Residents with medication.
2. I: (Intervention) Define who this would be used and by who
3. C: (Comparison) Further explain what is used now
– What is used now is education upon orientation, competency testing (but not as frequent), as needed, on their
own thru the web or thru our Electronic Medical record (PCC- Poinr Click Care Software)
4. O: (Outcome) Expand as to what you want to see… reduced medication errors .. maybe? yes I want to see
reduced medication errors
5. T: (Timeline) State how long after that change would be made that you would observe for the outcome
As per Professor: “You need to state your PICOT sentence specifically rather than define what a PICOT.
i syringe with NaviTip was found to be the best technique for filling the canals of primary molars with statistically significant difference with lentulospiral and insulin syringe, however statistically no significant difference was observed on its comparison with the endodontic pressure syringe. Skini syringe is small diameter syringe that facilitates the flow of viscous materials through tiny NaviTip with minimal plunger pressure. The NaviTip system was specially designed to deliver paste into the root canal, and consists of a flexible tip that is not easily separated from the holder during injection. The highly flexible needle penetrates into the curved, narrow canal close to the apex and injects paste rapidly and uniformly. The cannula of the NaviTip system is slightly rigid through the base and centre, but flexible at the tip to allow for easy navigation of curved canals. The hub and shank are rigid to support insertion and the flexible rounded ends negotiate curves especially in the cases of posterior teeth. Guelmann et al. assessed the quality of root canal fill by using three filling systems and concluded that NaviTip system offered a more desirable filling quality than lentulospiral and Vitapex syringe techniques.17 Moreover, Memarpour M et al. also concluded that navi tip system produced the smallest void size and lowest number of voids and are superior in controlling paste extrusion from the apical foramen..
The present investigation and observations for the study was limited to in-vitro primary molars. We suggest that future studies must be extended to more in-vitro and in-vivo studies for the primary molars with bigger sample size and longer periods of evaluation, as there are number of in-vivo frequently encountered clinical factors such as patient age, their cooperative level, intraoral opening, access to the involved teeth and canals, facility or approach for the advanced system of imaging like CBCT etc. to reach the firm conclusion regarding the most effective and efficient obturating technique for human primary molars.
We conclude within the limits imposed by the conditions used in the present study that all the four t