PICOT questions


The purpose of this Assignment is to enable you to present the information that you gather from a systematic review on your PICOT topic. This activity will give you the experience to present what your research findings to others.


Define the clinical key questions based on PICOT.
Briefly review the database selected for key clinical questions.
Identify the studies of the database search that are a Level I or II evidence.
Interpret the statistical results of the studies identified in Step 3.
Design a presentation.
Place results /overview of research in PowerPoint.






Sample Solution



Plato’s Communism

First class: Elites are not masses, they command all social orders, yet their inclinations help them. As indicated by Mr. Madison and Mr. Platon, groups take care of this issue in two distinct manners. Plato saw natural blemishes in two urban communities of society, affluent urban communities and helpless urban communities. He believes that “Outright force is completely degenerate”, he dismisses inadequacy since he is viewing the framework lacking individuals who got appropriate training in the custom of Plutonia. Inherent savagery

This awesome city is the connection between Plato’s ideal nation and its human spirit, and its perspectives on the four excellencies. The human spirit is an extended variant of the Platon people group. Accordingly, all the ideals of Plato partner them with the city and apply it to the human spirit for a bigger scope. The accompanying papers talk about different parts of the spirit and the interrelationship between them. I will talk about how Plato applied his own spirit hypothesis to his hypothesis of the right political request in his nation. At last, individual assessment of the hypothesis

Essay.com/”The information that Plato considers in his conventional hypothesis isn’t the sort of information expected to run the city.

“The sort of information that Plato considered in his conventional hypothesis isn’t the sort of information expected to govern the city.”

The hypothesis of Plato’s spirit set of three is the hypothesis of brain that Plato, an antiquated Greek scholar supported for his postulation “Republic”, and is additionally the tank of the Fidelas tank. In the Republic, Plato demands that Ψυχή (thought) is comprised of three sections: Logistik, Logic), Tumidé, Spirit. These three sections additionally relate to three classifications of society. Regardless of whether it is a city or an individual, δικαιοσύνη (dikaiosyne, equity) is announced as a state where each part satisfies its capacity without meddling with others’ capacities. The capacity of making and pleasing happiness. The capacity of λογιστικός is to tenderly control the adoration for learning. The capacity of θυμοειδές is to follow the course of λογιστικός, seriously shielding the entire from interruptions and inward deterrents.

Question of test paper? Clarify Plato’s socialist arrangement in the Republic. As per Plato, which course ought to embrace this way of life? What is the explanation behind Plato asserting Communism? Basic judgment of Plato’s socialism. PHL 107 | Exam 2 Study Guide | Page 4 (1) Please quickly clarify Plato’s tale about the cavern. (2) Next, (a) the philosophical lord in Plato’s perfect world, (b) the qualification between Plato’s popular supposition and genuine information (shrewdness), and (c) Plato’s rationale, Whether it is communicated in. Position predominant thinker – lord. (1) What is Plato’s double transcendentalism? (2) How is this transcendentalism communicated in the cavern tales? (3) How is this identified with his situation on humankind? (1) What is the assessment of Plato’s majority rules system (2) What is this identified with his hypothesis of equity?



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