Planning for retirement





Have you thought about retirement yet? I know it is a weird question when you may not have even started your career yet. Hopefully this activity will demonstrate that it is never too early to start saving.

Go to to calculate how much you will need to save for retirement How much do you need to save each month to be able to retire at 67?

Based on what you have learned about aging so far, what can you start to do today to plan for your eventual retirement?

Sample Solution

Planning for retirement

Retirement planning is a multi-step process that evolves over time. To have a comfortable, secure – and fun – retirement, you need to build the financial cushion that will fund it all. It may feel unusual to plan ahead more than 40 years, but it is worth starting now. Retirements planning starts with thinking about your retirement goals and how long you have to meet them. Then you need to look at the types of retirement accounts that can help you raise the money to fund your future. As you save the money, you have to invest it to enable it to grow. Saving matters. Start saving, keep saving, and stick to it.



Why Sports are Not Important

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For what reason do proficient sportsmen and sportswomen earn a large number of dollars by shooting a ball into a net, for example? Numerous different models can be given of such practically silly games exercises that have by one way or another shaped a worthwhile domain of “amusement.” While individuals around the globe are starving to death because of an absence of nourishment, social insurance, and asylum, others are watching celebrated games characters score objectives and focuses. While considering the experiencing comprehensively coming about an absence of assets, burning through cash on games appears to be a somewhat misinformed buy.

Take the figures: in 2013 alone, 33.7 billion dollars were spent on major games all inclusive. That implies in just a single year, the sum spent on major game tickets would be sufficient to revamp the foundation of the as of late obliterated Gaza Strip and feed its occupants three dinners every day for seven months (Forques Magazine). We have to sorted our needs out—what is progressively critical to us: seeing our preferred groups contend and the way of life encompassing that challenge, or sparing the lives of those that are frightfully influenced by beguiling war?

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In any case, it appears we treasure amusement and sports culture more than assisting those that are biting the dust in the roads every day. The Edmonds Daily Newspaper distributed an article on the fixation of sports in the U.S. overall, a U.S. resident goes through an amassed three hours watching sports news inclusion every month, and buys 1.2 passes to major games at regular intervals (Edmonds Daily Newspaper). Imagine a scenario in which we utilized these hours and buys to assist others that are in a desperate circumstance day by day.

The measure of cash spent on significant games garments and keepsakes is additionally disturbing. In an investigation by Sarvend University in Minnesota, it was discovered that each world resident on normal goes through $7.4 every year on outdoor supplies, regardless of whether it be apparel identified with groups, athletic gear with markings of pro athletics group images, sports gaming cards, sports betting, or computer games that depict their preferred groups in real life (Opus, 311). The measure of cash spent on avid supporter extras could be coordinated towards substantially more all encompassing causes, profiting the individuals who dread for their lives every day.

With the unnecessary measure of cash spent on major wearing tickets, the measure of time we spend on watching significant games, and the measure of cash spent of avid supporter frill, we focus on significant games. In our reality, our nation, our state, and even our city, there are endless people who can’t bear the cost of lodging, nourishment, and other essential necessities. Rather than giving out our cash to the gigantic business of significant games and items related with significant games, we could utilize our buying power for causes that would spare individuals’ lives. Directing billions of dollars into significant games isn’t intelligent when we have a world attacked by misery.


Klim, Christopher. “Spending on Sports.” Forques Magazine 11/06/2014. Magazine.

Jameson, Michele. “How and Why We Watch Sports.” Edmonds Daily Newspaper 6/7/2014. Paper.

Creation, Michael. The


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