Planning process of the project management lifecycle.


Explain the planning process of the project management lifecycle.
Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to the planning stage.
Explain the purpose of the project scope statement and all the terms used in the project scope template.
Project Basics:
Project Name
Project Sponsor
Project Scope Statement


Sample Solution

The project management lifecycle is a step-by-step framework of best practices used to shepherd a project from its beginning to its end. It provides project managers a structured way to create, execute, and finish a project. This project management process generally includes four phases: initiating, planning, executing, and closing. Some may also include a fifth “monitoring and controlling” phase between the executing and closing stages. By following each step, a project team increases the chances of achieving its goals. When it comes to project management tools and techniques, you don’t have just one technique or foolproof tool that you can use in every project of every organization.

espite efforts by psychologists, political scientists, and sociologists, the only consensus reached regarding the traditional terrorist profile is that a single terrorist profile cannot be determined. In most cases, the personality traits of terrorists are entirely invariable from a non-terrorist, making it incredibly challenging to profile and distinguish a terrorist from any other individual in most settings (Hudson, 1999). Despite the lack of a defined profile, Jerrold M. Post—a professor at George Washington University—believes the generational transmission of extremist beliefs may offer some increased insight (Kershaw, 2010). This generational transmission, Post says, begins at an early age and includes feelings of victimization and alienation, belief that the end will justify the means in a moral sense, fear of religious or nationalist group extinction, and the concept that violence is the only solution (Kershaw, 2010). One of many, this theory offers potential insight into what drives an individual to become a terrorist. The lack of a standard terrorist profile has drawn even further interest by psychologists, political scientists, government officials/agencies, and sociologists in understanding why someone becomes a terrorist. The various psychological and sociological theories may offer some understanding, which will be explored throughout this paper.

The Choice for Terrorism

Psychologists and sociologists within their respective disciplines have focused on understanding the consistent, underlying social perpetrators of terrorism for years (Davis and Cragin, 2009). Despite comparing all these motivators, most believe the primary cause of terrorism is a result of the choice by an individual to engage in terrorist acts (Daddio, Lecture 2, 2018). According to Martha Crenshaw—a professor of political science at Stanford University—terrorism is a logical choice and terrorist groups make calculated decisions prior to, and even while, engaging in terrorist acts (Roser et al., 2018). James Forest—a professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell—also supports the notion that individual choice is a key part of a terrorist’s development. An arguable contributor to this choice is the social interaction with individuals who have radical ideas as this often provides the first introduction to terrorism (Daddio, Lecture 2, 2018). Osama bin Laden is a prime example of this, as his original introduction to the Muslim Brotherhood was the result of his interaction with his school teachers. Soon, Osama bin Laden began to emulate the behavior of his teachers, justifying the decision and rationale to engage in terrorism (Daddio, Lecture 2, 2018). Beyond the effects of

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