Planning to hire the best teacher candidates



As a part of planning to hire the best teacher candidates, administrators must ensure new teachers feel comfortable and supported as they begin their work. Research shows that many new teachers leave after a few years in the field. Part of that is because these teachers feel overwhelmed and unsupported. By having an effective induction plan, you can help novice teachers learn the policies and practices related to the school site and strategies for meeting or exceeding expectations for their role.

For this assignment, take on the role of principal at the school of your choice. Plan a morning of activities that you could implement to welcome your six new teachers before the school year starts.

Create an agenda that includes a combination of presentations and activities that introduce new or beginning teachers to each other, the campus, the school culture (vision, mission, values, rituals, and routines), instructional methods, and other duties as required.

In a 500-750 word agenda, include a brief description of the room set-up, and then describe the following for each session that will be conducted that morning:

Topic title
Facilitator’s name and title, chosen from your school’s administration or other campus leaders
A brief description of the session
Materials required
Time allotted for the session
Rationale for the session that explains: the purpose of the session; how it promotes a culture of collaboration, trust, high expectations for student learning, continuous improvement; and why the particular leader was selected to facilitate the session
Part 2: New Teacher Mentoring Plan

In 750-1,000 words, create a mentoring plan for the beginning teachers to be mentored by your school’s more experienced and proficient teachers.

Include the following in your plan:

Purpose: Identify the purpose of the mentoring plan.
Criteria: Identify basic criteria for being a mentor teacher.
Timeline: Outline a mentoring sequence for the coming year to include at least two coaching sequences (pre-conference, observation, post-conference) for the beginning teacher to meet with and be observed by the mentor. Include time for the beginning teacher to observe the mentor teacher within at least one of the coaching sequences.
Induction Activities: Develop three activities for the mentor teacher and beginning teacher, in addition to those listed in the timeline, to implement at any point in the school year, which will nurture a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations. Support each activity with 1-2 references.
Professional Development Topics: Identify specific professional development topics such as time on task, classroom management, etc. for discussion that will help to ensure teacher and organizational time is focused to support quality instruction and student learning.
Budgetary Implications: Identify any budgetary implications for the mentor position.

Sample Solution

incredible. In America (our way of life) it isn’t strange to see a young lady or kid at the ocean side don’t wearing near anything. There are numerous contentions that concur with moral relativism since there are such countless various societies and it isn’t up to us to pass judgment on others since they don’t adhere to the very upright guidelines that we do in America. There are likewise contentions against moral relativism since some accept that ethics are general and what is ethically off-base in one spot ought to likewise be ethically off-base in others. An illustration of this is murder, in certain societies murder is adequate under specific terms or when somebody violates the law and there are different societies where murder is constantly viewed as ethically off-base. My perspective on this hypothesis is to some degree blended. I trust in the two sides, there ought to be a few things that are moral general regulations and a few things that are comparative with your way of life. I find it hard to figure everybody ought to adjust to one bunch of standards.

Moral Universalism
Moral universalism is a hypothesis that arrangements with specific circumstances that could fall under general set of rules. This intends that there are circumstances that everybody in the world would or ought to concur is ethically satisfactory or the inverse. An illustration of this is an individual being assaulted, regardless of your sex, race, identity, and so on it’s safe to say that assault is horrendous and is totally ethically unsuitable. A contention for moral universalism appears to be really self-evident, it is an extraordinary approach to deciding genuinely great and really malicious deeds since everybody would have the option to bring up and concur concerning what is good and bad. Contentions against incorporate things like moral relativism. It would be unimaginable as far as we’re concerned to all around settle on what is good and bad since there are such countless various types of individuals. I concur totally that there are sure things that are generally acknowledged as being unethical yet I can see it from the vantage point of my own experience and culture. It is not difficult to bring up unethical doings when everybody around you in your own way of life concurs. The genuine test is getting a wide range of variety and various foundations

Moral Pride
Moral pride is a hypothesis that expresses that we ought to place our own personal circumstances regardless of anything else. Moral vanity expresses that by putting ourselves in front of all the other things we are ethically right as well as moral. Moral pride contrasts from mental vanity in light of the fact that mental vanity expresses that we don’t have a decision to put our own personal matters first and the narrow-mindedness is a piece of human instinct. Moral pride expresses that we truly do have a decision. Like each idea, certain individuals concur and others don’t. Some say that moral pride is the best way to find true success and assuming everybody generally kept their best interests in mind we wo

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