Poem, musical piece, or dance piece to use as a point of inspiration.

Select a poem, musical piece, or dance piece to use as a point of inspiration. Create a work of poetry, lyrics, music, or dance, inspired by your selected art piece. Video or audio recordings should be no longer than 5 minutes and must be in MP4 format.
Note: If your art creation requires a separate file submission, please submit in the Art Creation Submission (Recordings) area following this assignment.
Part 2: Reflection
Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection paper:
• Introduction
• Inspiration Piece
o Include the inspiration poem, lyrics, or recording of musical or dance piece within the document. Use a link in the case of a recording.
o Record the title, artist/author/composer, year, and place of origin.
o Briefly explain the background of the inspiration piece.
• Your Art Piece
o Include your original poem or lyrics within the document. If you selected a musical or dance piece, submit as a separate file in the Art Creation Submission (Recordings) area following this assignment.
o Provide a title.
o Explain the background of your piece.
• Connection
o Explain the thematic connection between the two pieces.
o How are they similar and different?
o Are they the same medium? How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences?


Sample Solution

Part 2: Reflection

Inspiration Piece:

  • Title: “Starry Night”
  • Artist: Vincent van Gogh (1889)
  • Place of Origin: Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France

Background: “Starry Night” is a post-impressionist oil painting by Vincent van Gogh, depicting a swirling night sky over a small village. The painting is known for its vibrant colors, expressive brushstrokes, and swirling stars that seem to dance across the canvas.

Your Art Piece:

Title: “Reflections in the Well”

Background: This poem was inspired by the swirling movement in van Gogh’s “Starry Night” and the reflection of the celestial world in the village well.


The well whispers secrets, A mirror to the night. Stars dance in its depths, Diamonds in a velvet might.

Cypress shadows stretch and sigh, A village sleeps below. The moon, a watchful, silver eye, Reflects a celestial glow.

The wind whispers tales of faraway, Across the endless blue. The well remembers yesterday, And dreams of futures new.


Both “Starry Night” and “Reflections in the Well” explore the relationship between the earthly world and the celestial realm. The swirling movement in van Gogh’s painting is echoed in the poem’s imagery of dancing stars and the well’s swirling water.

Similarities and Differences:

  • Theme: Both pieces explore the beauty and mystery of the night sky and its connection to our world.
  • Medium: One is a visual artwork (painting) while the other is a written work (poem).
  • Impact: The painting uses vivid colors and brushstrokes to create a sense of awe and wonder. The poem uses imagery and figurative language to evoke a similar feeling but relies on the reader’s imagination to create the visual experience.

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