Police and the Public


Describe the police and public interaction. How do they feed on each other? Are changes necessary?

Write from a standpoint of changing the police to reduce violence and distrust in the police by the people

Police and public interaction is a complex and vital relationship that has the potential to benefit both sides. In some cases, the interactions between police and public can be positive with both entities working together for the betterment of their community. For example, studies have shown that when police officers engage in meaningful conversations with citizens about crime issues in a neighborhood, it can help build trust between the two parties (Umbreit & Vos, 2018). This trust often leads to citizens providing more information to police officers which helps them solve crimes quicker while also preventing future offenses from occurring.

On the other hand, not all interactions between police and public are as positive. There have been numerous instances where biases on either side led to negative or even hostile encounters (Gill et al., 2019). These negative experiences can lead members of the community feeling like they are being targeted by law enforcement or that their voices don’t matter when it comes to policies surrounding policing in their area. Furthermore, research shows these encounters can shape people’s overall perception of law enforcement leading to feelings of distrust (Thornton et al., 2017).

Changes regarding how police interact with communities are necessary if we want law enforcement officers and citizens alike feel safe during interactions. Several initiatives such as implicit bias training for cops along with de-escalation courses may help reduce violent confrontations while also restoring people’s faith in law enforcement agencies across America (Kappeler et al., 2015). Implementing such measures could potentially create more balanced relationships between police and public which would benefit everyone involved over time.

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