Police as criminal catchers and crime fighters

Many people envision police as criminal catchers and crime fighters, but in reality, the job is far more complex. List the key historical circumstances or developments that led to the definition of each era of policing. Then choose at least two service roles that are typical responsibilities of the modern police officer. Project into the future: What are some developments that could very well change policing and define one or more new eras in your lifetime?

Sample Solution

  • Political Era (1829-1860): The political era of policing was characterized by the use of the police as a tool of social control. The police were seen as the enforcers of the will of the ruling class, and they were often used to break up labor strikes and other forms of social unrest.
  • Reform Era (1860-1930): The reform era of policing was a reaction to the corruption and inefficiency of the political era. Police reformers sought to professionalize the police force and make it more accountable to the public. They also introduced new policing methods, such as community policing and problem-oriented policing.
  • Community Era (1930-1980): The community era of policing was characterized by a focus on community-based policing. Police officers were encouraged to build relationships with the people they served and to work with them to solve problems.
  • Problem-Oriented Era (1980-Present): The problem-oriented era of policing is characterized by a focus on solving specific crime problems. Police officers use data and analysis to identify the root causes of crime and develop solutions that address those causes.

Here are two service roles that are typical responsibilities of the modern police officer:

  • Community relations: Police officers often serve as a bridge between the police department and the community. They may attend community meetings, speak to schools, or work with community organizations to build trust and understanding.
  • Crime prevention: Police officers play a vital role in crime prevention. They may conduct patrols, investigate crimes, or work with other agencies to implement crime prevention programs.

Here are some developments that could very well change policing and define one or more new eras in our lifetime:

  • Advances in technology: Technology is rapidly changing the way police work is done. For example, body-worn cameras are becoming increasingly common, and they are helping to improve accountability and transparency. Drones are also being used by police departments, and they have the potential to revolutionize the way police conduct surveillance and respond to emergencies.
  • Changes in the nature of crime: The nature of crime is also changing, and this is forcing police departments to adapt. For example, cybercrime is becoming increasingly common, and police departments need to develop new skills and strategies to combat it.
  • Increased public scrutiny: The public is more aware of police misconduct than ever before, and this is putting pressure on police departments to improve their practices. Police departments are also facing increasing scrutiny from the media and from civil rights groups.

These are just a few of the developments that could change policing in the future. It is impossible to say for sure what the future of policing will look like, but it is clear that the role of the police officer is evolving.

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