Policies that might minimise criminal issues within a company.


Suppose you have just begun a position as an upper-level manager at a local business that is recovering from a large product liability suit. Criminal charges may yet be filed against the company as a result of this suit. You have been hired, in part, to help write policies that might minimize criminal issues within this company. What three policies would you immediately implement to protect the company from further damage? What three policies would you implement to prevent further lawsuits of any kind?



Sample Solution

Policies that might minimize criminal issues within a company

Businesses can engage in affirmative actions to reduce criminal liability. Likewise, individuals do not have to sit by passively if they know that criminal activity is afoot. A person who observes illegal behavior in the workplace may choose not to participate in that illegal behavior (whistleblowers). Businesses should conduct annual training sessions, such as ethics training, to help ensure good workplace ethics. They should develop company-wide codes of ethics, which serve as the organizational commitment to ethical behavior. This can go far forward developing a corporate culture that values ethical behavior and condemns unethical actions, by providing leadership that serves as positive role models for all employees.

Exposition SampleCheck Writing Quality
Spreading the Message: The Nature and Paradox of Christian Broadcasting

Plunk down on some random Sunday morning, turn on your TV, and you will undoubtedly chance upon a strict program or something to that affect. It was the 1980’s that saw the strong peculiarity of the strict transmission arise. Never again were down shows, drama’s, and Billboard Top 20 the greatest attract to the family TV and radio, yet rather Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell. With their happy church ensembles, clean-squeezed minister suits, and blasting messages of trust, assurance, and salvation, strict transmissions of faith gatherings, evangelism rallies, and other such occasions and projects became well known and strong TV and radio passage. North of 130 million individuals were attracted to their radio and TVs, which together contacted a larger number of individuals than all of the country’s holy places consolidated. This peculiarity proceeds with today into the 21st Century, as the strict transmission has come to track down its staple and super durable spot in both the awareness and the home.

The connection among broadcasting and religion has become progressively complicated, and many books have been composed regarding the matter. Media researchers like Peter G. Horsfield and Quentin Schultze have committed their lives and vocations to exploring and understanding the strict telecom peculiarity, and there are other incalculable allies and pundits. While I am actually to a great extent strong of strict telecom, there are a few explicit focuses and associations with which I have come to be worried about. In this paper I will zero in on the connection between the strict TV program and its show, both stylish and intriguing. From that point I will likewise be posing a few inquiries, for example, what is the idea of the strict transmission considering and in contrast with mainstream TV? How does the amusement factor influence the watchers experience and comprehension? What mainstream meanings are proposed through strict telecom, and how would they influence the watcher’s strict experience? These inquiries and other will be tended to as I dive into the intricacy that is strict TV

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