Please engage in a virtual political action during the time that you are taking this class (i.e., the political action must take place between the start date and
end date for this class).
I contacted elected officials, Mayor of Los angeles, Karen Bass, by posting a question/comment to their official website ( I posted on Facebook messanger)
and also official email. I did not get message to my email and got automatic reply in Facebook messanger. I sent the following message:
Dear Mayor Bass,
The City of Angels is quickly becoming an angelic tragedy. I am deeply concerned about the dire state our city has devolved into; public spaces are filled with
hazardous conditions, and safety for my family seems to be slipping away every day. I am a mother of three young children and have recently been
considering relocating due to the increasingly unsanitary conditions on our streets and in our parks. In addition, my children can no longer explore their
neighborhood in peace as they must dodge drug addicts, alcoholics, and people dealing with mental health issues living on sidewalks, even at parks where
they set up tents. We must act quickly as a community to restore public safety as it relates to these issues; only then can we feel comfortable taking our kids
outside or walking our dogs on the street. Mayor Bass, I would love to hear your plans on how you intend to rectify this problem and help support citizens
looking for family-friendly living again. Thank you for considering my concerns.
For this assignment, you need to write a 4-5 page essay (double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins) to address the following two parts:
Part 1: Analyze how your experience with your political action compares to what you have read in the assigned readings listed on the syllabus. Explain how
your political action brings to mind specific things that you learned from the assigned readings listed on the syllabus. You must do a detailed
compare/contrast of your political action experience with specific things found in the assigned readings listed on the syllabus. Is your personal real-world
experience during your political action the same as or different from what is presented in the assigned readings? Explain. For example, if you voted in this
year’s election (e.g. vote by mail), describe what you experienced and explain how this compares to what you read about regarding voting and elections in the
Krutz textbook. Explain your thoughts in ample detail, and cite to parts in the Krutz textbook that covers elections and voting. Alternatively, if you watched
recorded video of city council meetings or watched a city council meeting live via Zoom, describe what you experienced and explain how this compares to
what you read about regarding local government and city councils in the Krutz textbook. Explain your thoughts in ample detail, and cite to parts in the Krutz
textbook that covers city councils and local government.
Don’t forget to include citations to specific things from the the assigned readings listed on the syllabus and cite as parenthetic citations. Example: when
citing to the Krutz textbook which you are assigned to read for the class, include parenthetic citations to the book (meaning to put the citations containing
the author’s name and page number or section number within parentheses). It should look like (Krutz, page number/section number). If citing from any of the
online links, for the purposes of this class, simply place the title of the link within parentheses, for example (Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from a
Birmingham Jail). If your paper does not contain any citations to the assigned readings listed on the syllabus for the class, you will lose points. You are not
required to use outside resources for this assignment, but if you do, please include a separate reference/bibliography/works-cited page. Note: a
reference/bibliography/works-cited page will NOT be counted in your overall essay page count.
Part 2: Identify a specific political issue/problem that is currently highlighted in the news right now, and use everything that you have learned from class AND
from your experience gained from your political action to create detailed strategies for taking action to respond to (or even solve) that political issue/problem
in the news. Make sure to include a citation to the news source (name of the news source and/or URL web address, etc.). Not including a citation to a news
source in your paper will also result in a loss of points.
Your 10 points will be based on how well you really, really explain your thoughts and examples, how well you integrate specific ideas from the assigned
readings (with appropriate citations), and how well you write your essay to have no spelling/grammatical errors and/or readability issues. The more that you
explain your arguments and can support them with specific ideas and examples from both your political action AND the assigned readings from this class,
the better you will do on this essay.
You will submit this paper online through Canvas. Your essay must be an actual file that can be uploaded (Microsoft Word document, PDF document, etc.) to
Canvas through Turn In program. I will not accept links to your documents stored on sharable drives, cloud storage, etc. Follow the directions below and
make sure that you upload the correct file.
Please do not plagiarize! thanks
P.S book attachment https://openstax.org/details/books/american-government-3e

Sample Solution

understudies. Given the expected worth of such figures propelling scholastic achievement and hence impacting results like maintenance, wearing down, and graduation rates, research is justified as it might give understanding into non-mental techniques that could be of possible benefit to this populace (Lamm, 2000) . Part I: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY Introduction The country is encountering a basic lack of medical care suppliers, a deficiency that is supposed to increment in the following five years, similarly as the biggest populace in our country’s set of experiences arrives at the age when expanded clinical consideration is essential (Pike, 2002). Staffing of emergency clinics, centers, and nursing homes is more basic than any time in recent memory as the enormous quantities of ‘people born after WW2’s start to understand the requirement for more continuous clinical mediation and long haul care. Interest in turning into a medical caretaker has disappeared as of late, presumably because of the historical bac

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