Political and cultural integration within and outside of EU


Surf the web and find an article on the EU (Economic Union). The article must be current (within the last
month). EU is especially facing challenges for the economic, political and cultural integration within and outside
of EU considering its geographical proximity to many developing nations in the Middle East and African
continent as well as the recent Brexit from EU.
Write a one-half page overview of what you learned. Incorporate in your discussion if EU has any economic /
political/cultural impact on your company. Send the article as a hyperlink. Type your response in the comments

Sample Solution

b. The link to a culture other than “American” culture with this dance would be some African social dances which could involve the bending of knees and curved spines. They can also involve percussion and improv, much like Hip-hop dances. Koroso dance can be somewhat related to hip-hop in that involves highly acrobatic and difficult shapes, friendly competition dance, and is usually performed by younger dancers.

c. Compared to the youth of my parents’ generation during the 1970s, there are some similarities and differences. Their disco-style dance became popular on TV shows of the day just like hip-hop does now. It allowed for unique creativity and expression as it was often situational, so dancers would invent their own moves as the music kept playing. One way that disco dancing differs from hip-hop is that disco dancers wore extremely funky and glamorous clothing. Disco dancing also tended to be more centered towards expanding freedoms, and it was also a time where drug abuse and promiscuity hit an all-time high.

Part 2: Mary Wigman is one of the founders of German expressionistic modern dance (concert dance) and she was inspired by the Sufi Dance. When she was going through a time of great despair, she noticed the movements she made in this time. It allowed her to express her emotions and worries through sways, contractions, contortions, and pulses. Her choreography was created by “feeling through” or using the sensitive human body. Gabrielle Roth created modern day ecstasy dance as a way to help soul searchers find the true essence of self. It’s a trance dance with a moving meditation that consists of a process of 5 rhythms in which each of them have their own unique properties. They are called flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness. To her, it is all about enter a different state of consciousness that opens a greater expression of the true self. Lynn Wood developed a practice called Conscious Movement Process Work. Her purpose for this is to get rid of blocked energy from negative experiences. She indicates that it involves listening to the body and recognizing negative trends in order to smash them and replace them with more positive patterns.

a. Dance and arts provide a means of healing to society as they can provide means for which people can experience a healthy perception of the mind, body, and soul. Through dance therapy, patients can more easily express themselves without having to talk, which can heal their emotional wounds. Allowing the body flow while dancing releases endorphins, which in turn help people feel a greater sense of

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