You must provide answers for ALL of the following 4 (FOUR) questions. When responding to the question,
please provide a clear and concise answer. Each answer
should be approximately two pages long (~500 words). Be sure to cite and reference
course texts where necessary and to answer all components of each question.
NO OUTSIDE SOURCES ARE ALLOWED, please DO NOT use Internet sources apart from
the course readings and supplemental resources found on our Moodle page. You may
reference anything from our Moodle site, but be sure to also reference the texts that
are required for each question.
1) Homo Economicus and Neoliberal Privatization Policy
One of the defining features of what is termed ‘neoliberal’ economic policy is
privatization. For this question, please explain what privatization is, and what it reveals
about a state’s economic objectives. According to Kogut and McPherson, what school of
economic thought is best associated with privatization and why? How does privatization
correlate with the idea of homo economicus? Do you think that states should continue
to pursue privatization policies today? Why or why not?
For this response you must make reference to at least 3 (THREE) of the following texts:
• Ward, Ian “Law and the Political Economy” (Sept 16, 2019)
• Scott and Peacock “Economics, capitalism and business: the orthodoxy” (Sept 23,
• Kogut and Macpherson, “The decision to privatize: economists and the
construction of ideas and policies” (March 9, 2020)
• Olssen and Peters, “Neoliberalism, higher education and the knowledge
economy” (March 9, 2020)
2) Heterodox Economics and the Standard Employment Relationship
What is the Standard Employment Relationship (SER)? In your response, be sure to give
historical context for emergence of the SER and to explain its correlation to the ‘gender
contract’. Why are the questions of primary and secondary labour markets, the
gendered division of labour, and the rise of precarious (or non-standard) work
relationships generally addressed by heterodox economic thought instead of
mainstream economics? Consider, when you answer this question, what the underlying
concerns are for each of these areas of inquiry.
For this response you must make reference to at least 3 (THREE) of the following texts:
• Scott, “Political Economy and Critiques of Capitalism: Heterodox Perspectives”
(October 7, 2019)
• Fudge and Vosko, “Gender, Segmentation, and the Standard Employment
Relationship in Canadian Labour Law, Legislation and Policy” (February 24, 2020)
• Lips, “The Gender Pay Gap: Challenging the Rationalization, Perceived Equity,
Discrimination and the Limits of Human Capital Models” (February 24,2020)
• Fraser, “After the Family Wage: A Post-Industrial Thought Experiment” (February
24, 2020)
3) Critical Legal Theory and Employment Equity
In 1984, Canadian Supreme Court Justice Abella made the following claim about
systemic discrimination:
“Systemic discrimination requires systemic remedies. Rather than
approaching discrimination from the perspective of the single perpetrator
and the single victim, the systemic approach acknowledges that by and
large the systems and practices we customarily and unwittingly adopt may
have an unjustifiably negative effect on certain groups in society. The effect
of the system on the individual or group, rather than its attitudinal sources,
governs whether or not a remedy is justified” (cited in Sheppard, 46).
Mobile phones: A Necessity or a Convenience?
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Hello. What I might want to discuss today are phones and their job in our lives. Before I start off, I might want to request that everybody turn their telephones off—on a quiet mode, yet totally off—for the term of my discourse. It won’t take over 10 minutes, so if it’s not too much trouble compassionately help me out. It will mean a great deal to me to have the entirety of your consideration.
Since the time the direct held cell phone was introduced by Motorola in 1973, this convenient device has solidly set itself in the hands of pretty much every American young person, grown-up, and since as of late, even kids. It appears that in the race for the most recent model of the iPhone or BlackBerry, we have overlooked that phones were at first planned as an accommodation, not a need. In any case, it appears that there is certifiably not a solitary movement individuals can manage without this innovation these days. You need your Android program to ascertain calories while running; you can’t survive without the most recent tunes transferred to your iPhone; and you became acclimated to taking pictures wherever you go with your many-super pixel telephone camera. How frequently do we really utilize telephones for talking nowadays? Also, we are not discussing the most recent applications you have bought to redesign your preferred time-executioner, yet rather utilizing your telephone for the reason it had been at first planned for: versatile discussions, expecting you can’t converse with the individual on the opposite finish of the sign eye to eye.
One of the ongoing examinations held by the Swiss Institute of Public Health has uncovered the presence of another sort of infection called Nomophobia (“No versatile fear”). Upsetting indications of nomophobia incorporate a neurotic dread of ending up without a working wireless within reach, which causes dozing scatters (the infected patients whined that they experience consistent tension and regularly wake up around evening time since they appear to have heard their telephone ring); dread of losing your PDA or overlooking it some place (it makes individuals get back in the event that they can’t discover the telephone taken care of, regardless of how late they will be for significant arrangements; or continually checking for their telephone and removing it from the pack regardless of whether it isn’t ringing). Obviously, there are a huge number of individuals previously determined to have the turmoil and apparently millions more who are likewise experiencing it, without understanding the reality. Researchers gauge that 66% of the total populace is in reality inclined to this mental issue.
Therefore, individuals make their lives reliant on a gadget, without understanding that it is a machine that had been at first developed to make their lives easier, not progressively confused. As nervous system specialists have remarked, mobile phone habit is compelling individuals to get reliant on their expensive new contraption and this occupies the casualties of PDAs from carrying on with their life in working request. Rather than going out and meeting individuals we need to converse with, we send instant messages, introduce Skype and informal community applications on our fresh out of the plastic new telephones, and fundamentally assemble our lives around this innovation. On the off chance that one day all telephones ought to in a split second go off, there would no uncertainty be frenzy and disarray everywhere throughout the world, with the exception of those remote spots where this mechanical development has not yet picked up that much notoriety. In any case, while there are less and less such places on the planet, individuals are getting increasingly more reliant on their PDAs—roughly 40 percent of all PDA clients have more than one cell phone being used. The circumstance is declining each year, while electronic monsters like Apple, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Verizon, and others are propelling new splendid promoting efforts attempting to convince us to buy their most recent phone model that can turn into your life accomplice in any occupation and circumstance. Then again, actually, sooner or later, you may end up constrained by the gadget and urgently terrified to make a stride without it.
What ought to be done at this point? I recommend decreasing the time we go through with our preferred phones at any rate considerably, first off. Each time you consider downloading another application, ask yourself whether it is a need or you can undoubtedly manage without it. Each time you find yourself thinking you need the most recent iPhone model, approach yourself what you need it for? On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the appropriate response, it implies you don’t generally require it, until the advertisements and notorious pop stars reveal to you in any case. Regard yourselves and worth your time. At the point when you consider how long every day you go through with your telephones, and what you could have done rather in reality, these time-eaters will appear to be a disease. Be that as it may, they are only a gadget, an accommodation we have to control our utilization of, all together not to let this machine control us, our timetables, our recreation, our side interests, and our whole lives.
I trust my discourse gave all of you some something worth mulling over, and planted a seed of doubt about whether our mobile phones are genuinely that significant and irreplaceable to us. Much obliged to you for the time you have devoted to my discourse with your phones off! I realize it was extreme for some of you, and I value the exertion.