Popular Geographical news story or an article

Post a current event from a popular Geographical news story or an article. Summarize to at least 300 words and site your sources. your current event must be between 5 days from now.

Sample Solution

comes to who to get supplies from. This makes the bargaining power of supplier low. However, despite high number of suppliers, the suppliers do no compete within the industry for products, which means that A2 company can only purchase what the suppliers provide. This gives the supplier a high bargaining power. To sustain in this competitive industry, A2 milk can get supplies from multiple suppliers, more flexibility within its supply chain. Or they can encourage better relationship with the supplier can benefit on both sides.

The extend of rivalry between competitors

This factor determines competitive level in the industry, whether does the firms have control over the prices of goods and services (My Accounting Course, 2019).

If the rivalry among the existing companies in this industry is intense it will result to decrease in prices and profitability. A2 Milk operates in a very competitive industry. This competition does take toll on the overall long term profitability of the organization. To stay in such a competitive market, A2 Milk needs to focus on differentiating its products so that competitors will have less effect on its customers that seek its unique products. As the industry is growing, A2 Milk can focus on new customers rather than winning the ones from existing companies. The A2 Milk can conduct market research to understand the supply-demand situation within the industry and prevent overproduction.

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