Potential components for your literature review


U​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​sing the acronym PICO, describe potential components for your literature review you will do when you are searching for an intervention to address your clinical problem. The P, I, C, O will be search terms used in your search! Describe your​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ problem as it relates to patient outcomes (e.g. rates of infection can lead to mortality, further illness, increased LOS, increased readmission). In your peer responses, offer suggestions and other thoughts for your colleagues to consider​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​.

Sample Solution

Private training companies have their own advantages over other general vocational education, such as personalized training. The training company will set specific business goals and make training plans for them. Whether the trainees want to enhance their theoretical knowledge or improve their leadership ability, the company will provide customized courses to improve their skills and business profitability (Martin, Tanja &Kate, 2007). In terms of diagnosing the shortcomings of students, the training company will customize the course design according to the needs of students, and the one-to-one personalized tutoring and other aspects will be more detailed. The company can also provide professional guidance and advice for trainees’ future professional development, help them to know more about their most needed fields and encourage them to be more proactive in their future career demands.

As the demand for vocational education increases, the number of private vocational training institutions in the market has also increased significantly. Training companies are increasingly entering the market. In most cases, vocational education costs more for each class of students than for general education subjects, mainly because of the higher cost of small classes and equipment, equipment and consumables (Training, 2011). Therefore, while spending a high amount of training costs, an excellent training company should be chosen. Therefore, in the training company industry, how to measure the ability of students and whether the students really learn the skills and maximize their potential is a problem worth studying.

3.4 Chosen Methodology
3.4.1 Case study
A case study is a method of studying specific behaviours or problems for individuals or organizations. It is a method of collecting data using historical data, archival materials, interview observations, etc., and using reliable techniques to analyse an object to obtain a universal conclusion (Byrne& Humble,2007). The case study conducts in-depth research by selecting appropriate events, and draws some assumptions and conclusions through superficial phenomena as the basis for further research in the future.

For this study, case studies are a more appropriate method because of time and cost. It can also make the research of vocational education and training companies more specific and lay the foundation for later research. Qualitative research can be carried out through a small number of training companies, which can partly

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