Practicing Concept Coherence




Practice a couple of strategies to effectively communicate novel ideas to share your idea for a novel toy with classmates.
Innovation increasingly involves collaborating with experts from a variety of disciplines, this can present challenges because 1) innovation is an inherently ambiguous process as it involves creating things or ideas that do not yet exist, and 2) experts apply highly specialized knowledge that their teammates may not understand. Creative leaders know how to transcend these challenges, and this week we’re going to practice doing so.

Create a brief story about your toy. It should feature a protagonist who encounters a problem, and the product/toy helps them solve that problem. Stories typically establish the users’ or customers’ needs so teammates know how to design the product accordingly. For more detail and some examples, see “Managing the Repertoire” particularly the sub-section on stories that begins on page 699. Your story should be at least 3 – 5 sentences.
Step 2: Metaphor
Create a metaphor that clarifies the toy’s desired attributes. Metaphors are commonly used to make new and novel concepts understandable to others, and highlight what is ‘new’ abut the concept. For some examples, see “Managing the Repertoire” particularly the sub-section on metaphors that begins on page 700. Your metaphor should ideally be 1 sentence.

Sample Solution


My novel toy is called the “Dream Weaver.” It is a small, handheld device that helps children fall asleep and have more vivid dreams. The Dream Weaver works by using a combination of light, sound, and vibration to stimulate the child’s brain and create a calming and relaxing environment.

One day, there was a little girl named Lily who had trouble falling asleep. She would toss and turn for hours, and her mind would race with thoughts. Lily’s parents tried everything to help her fall asleep, but nothing worked.

One night, Lily’s parents gave her the Dream Weaver to try. Lily put on the Dream Weaver and closed her eyes. She felt a warm glow on her forehead and heard a gentle melody playing in her ears. Lily’s body began to relax, and her mind started to drift off.

Lily dreamed that she was flying through a field of wildflowers. She felt the sun on her face and the wind in her hair. She was so happy and carefree. When Lily woke up the next morning, she felt refreshed and energized.

Lily continued to use the Dream Weaver every night, and she always had good dreams. She was no longer afraid of going to bed, and she looked forward to her nightly adventures.


The Dream Weaver is like a magic carpet that takes children on fantastical adventures while they sleep. It is a tool that helps children relax, fall asleep, and have more vivid dreams.

Strategies to effectively communicate novel ideas

Here are a couple of strategies to effectively communicate my novel toy idea to classmates:

  • Use clear and concise language. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your classmates may not understand.
  • Tell a story. People are more likely to remember and understand information if it is presented in a story format. My story about Lily and the Dream Weaver illustrates how the toy can help children fall asleep and have more vivid dreams.
  • Use visuals. Visuals can help to make complex concepts more understandable. I could create a diagram or prototype of the Dream Weaver to show my classmates how it works.
  • Be enthusiastic. My enthusiasm for the Dream Weaver will help to generate excitement and interest in my classmates.

I believe that by using these strategies, I can effectively communicate my novel toy idea to my classmates and encourage them to collaborate with me on making it a reality.


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