Presidential Ranking




In the first column, you must rank the first 16 presidents in the list you think they did the best. If you place a president at number 1 they are the best president,
and if you place a president at number 16, you see them as the worst.
In the second column, you list the achievements and/or characteristics that make the president a good president.
In the third column, you place the failures and/or characteristics that make the person a bad president.
Note: Every president should have some good and some bad. There should be no blank boxes

Sample Solution

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt | Achievements: Ended the Great Depression through his New Deal programs, strengthened relationships between labor and management, supported civil rights legislation; Characteristics: Energetic leader, brought much-needed hope to citizens during a difficult time| Failures: Did not act quickly enough on the Japanese Internment camps, failed to stop poverty in rural areas of America
2. Abraham Lincoln |Achievements: Led the country through the Civil War and abolished slavery; Characteristics: Great orator with strong leadership skills| Failures: Suspended habeas corpus, allowed for some freedom of speech erosion
3. George Washington | Achievements: Established presidential precedent by setting a two-term limit for himself; Characteristics: Wise statesman who set limits on executive power| Failures : Accepted slavery as part of society despite believing it was wrong
4. Thomas Jefferson | Achievements: Authored Declaration of Independence; Characteristics : Visionary thinker who championed individual liberty|Failures : Owned slaves and didn’t make any serious attempts at abolishing it
5. John F Kennedy |Achievements : Launched ambitious initiatives such as the Peace Corps and space exploration program ;Characteristics : Charismatic leader who inspired generations of Americans with his speeches and vision of a better world|Failures : Failed to solve Cuban Missile Crisis peacefully
6. Dwight Eisenhower |Achievements : Ended Korean War while avoiding another World War III ; Characteristics : Humble leader but firm in decision making when needed|Failures : Failed to address social issues like racism or segregation
7. Ronald Reagan |Achievements : Boosted economy after severe recession period with tax cuts , ended Cold War peacefully;Characteristics := Charismatic communicator with strong convictions about government’s role in economic growth|Failures = Increased national debt substantially over two terms
8 .Harry S Truman |Achievements := Achieved victory in WWII , ushered nuclear age through use of atomic weapons on Japan ;Characteristic=Decisive action taker kept pushing forward even if unpopular decisions were made during times war situations || Failures = Responsible for disastrous U.S foreign policy actions (Korea)
9 .James K Polk | Achievements := Extended US borders from sea to shining sea via Oregon Treaty & Mexican Cession , approved 1st American flag redesign since 1777||Characteristic = Drove complex international diplomatic negotiations that improved US security & commerce;; Failures = Supported annexation Hawaii which may have been illegal due to lack congressional approval

10 .Jimmy Carter || Achievements= Brokered Camp David Accords & negotiated Panama Canal treaty , launched comprehensive energy plan ;Characteristic= Strong moral compass guided by human rights principles ||failure= Ineffective handling Iran Hostage Crisis

11 .Lyndon Johnson|| Achievement= Signed Civil Rights Act into law , established Medicare/Medicaid programs ;;Characteristic = Skilled negotiator using carrot/stick method applied domestic agenda items|| Failure s = Escalated Vietnam conflict without clear victory strategy

12 .Theodore Roosevelt || Achievement s+= Launched conservation movement in America, won Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating end Russo-Japanese War ;;Characteristics+ Progressive reformer aiming protect public interest against corporate abuses||Failure s -= Oversaw decline relationship between US & Latin America due heavy handed interventions

13 .William McKinley|| Achievements+= Secured Spanish cession Puerto Rico Guam Philippines [ anti colonialism ] ;;Characteristics+ Diplomatic savvy able craft successful trade deals while minimizing conflicts [e g China] ;Failure s -= led nation into Spanish American War thus expanding imperialist elements United States

14 .Grover Cleveland ||Achievements += Restrained federal spending + vetoed pension bill aimed benefiting Union veterans ++First president serve non consecutive terms[refused be bound Republican/Democratic party notions ];Characteristi cs += Believed strongly that executive branch must remain limited scope according Constitution;;Failure s -= Did attempt prevent Panic 1893 despite apparent awareness approaching financial crisis



With Love, Revenge

Retribution isn’t an actual existence however a subject principally including show and different books. Subsequently, the most ideal approach to investigate retribution is to once in a while check the story close by. As a dramatization, the awfulness of retribution is principally character – driven, the intention of the character is straightforward: retaliation – under the name of adoration. Bel-imperia is looking for retribution on her darling, Andre. The thought process speaks to a cozy connection between certainty of misfortune and vengeance and love.

The subject of affection and retribution in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet’s Love” is one of Hamlet’s most remarkable topics, however one preferred position – the intensity of vengeance advances Hamlet’s adoration. I will vindicate the homicide of his dad. While Hamlet was befuddled, he discovered that his mom got hitched to his uncle not long after his dad kicked the bucket. Despite the fact that he didn’t question the sudden passing of his dad soon he was as yet stunned. As Kenneth Muir stated, “He (Hamlet) was stunned by Gertrude.

Retribution is want for vengeance and fairness. At the point when the individual you love gets injured, that nature will vindicate. In any case, inaccurate conduct of these counter can prompt genuine results. In the awfulness of William Shakespeare ‘Hamlet’, Fortinbras, Hamlet, Lertes demonstrated that their craving for retribution unavoidably prompts misfortune. By losing somebody you love, Hamlet ‘s job has made it conceivable to make a move. The youthful Fortinbras established a military to restore the land lost by his dad to Hamlet and the lord.

Both Hamlet and Leltus added to the vengeance of the showy topic. Both of these characters love their dad definitely. That is the reason they are delivering retribution. Be that as it may, their adoration is misshaped, and now they want to fight back against the passing of their dads. Be that as it may, they treat it in different ways. Hamlet realized who murdered his dad, yet he didn’t make a move right away. Rarthes was somewhat indistinct, which was the reason for his dad’s passing, yet he quickly acted to vindicate him. “For heck, unwaveringness! Promise,

Retribution is the topic of this film. We saw this when Sook-hee promised to vindicate her dad’s passing, her better half, and her retribution once more. Retribution is the explanation behind acquainting her with the universe of Assassin and helping her accomplish her objectives. It has become an endless loop of her. In some cases I see it influences her, however this is by all accounts the best thing knowing how Sook-hee does. She is carrying on a “typical” life and decided to render retribution while strolling. Despite the fact that it appears to be a toy of her destiny, Sook-hee settles on his own choice


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