Price Discrimination



Discuss the pricing policy of price discrimination. Provide the economic
reasoning for movie theaters, airlines, and many other businesses to charge
customers different prices based on time of the day, age, and purchase dates.
Provide an example of a price discrimination for a good or service that you
considered unfair. Do you still believe that the discrimination is unjustifiable?




Sample Solution

Price discrimination is a selling strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or service based on what the seller thinks they can get the customer to agree to. Price discrimination is practiced based on the seller`s belief that customers in certain groups can be asked to pay more or less based on certain demographics or on how they value the product or service in question. Price discrimination is most valuable when the profit that is earned as a result of separating the markets is greater than the profit that is earned as a result of keeping the markets combined.

abulary information is many times seen as a basic device for second language students on the grounds that a restricted jargon in a subsequent language blocks fruitful correspondence. Highlighting the significance of jargon obtaining, Schmitt (2000) underlines that “lexical information is key to open capability and to the securing of a subsequent language” p. 55) Country (2001) further depicts the connection between jargon information and language use as correlative: information on jargon empowers language use and, on the other hand, language use prompts an expansion in jargon information. The significance of jargon is shown everyday in and out the school. In homeroom, the accomplishing understudies have the most adequate jargon. Specialists like Laufer and Country (1999), Maximo (2000), Read (2000), Gu (2003), Marion and others have understood that the procurement of jargon is fundamental for effective second language use and assumes a significant part in the development of complete spoken and composed texts. In English as a subsequent language (ESL) and English as an unknown dialect (EFL) learning jargon things assumes a crucial part in all language abilities (for example tuning in, talking, perusing, and composing (Country, 2011). Streams and Nunan (1991), moreover, contend that the procurement of a sufficient jargon is fundamental for fruitful second language use on the grounds that without a broad jargon, we will not be able to utilize the designs and works we might have learned for intelligible correspondence. Research has shown that second language perusers depend vigorously on jargon information and the absence of that information is the primary and the biggest impediment for L2 perusers to survive (Huckin, 1995). Underway, when we have a significance or idea that we wish to communicate, we really want to have a store of words from which we can choose to communicate this importance or idea. ”At the point when understudies travel, they don’t convey syntax books, they convey word references” (Krashen, as refered to in Lewis, 1993, p25). Numerous scientists contend that jargon is one of the most significant in the event that not the main parts in learning an unknown dialect, and unknown dialect educational programs should mirror this. Wilkins (1972) states that: ”not much worth in is having the option to create syntactic sentences on the off chance that one lacks the necessary jargon to pass what one wishes on to express … While without punctuation very little can be conveyed, without jargon nothing can be conveyed” p97). Different researchers like Richards (1980) and Krashen (1989), as refered to in Maximo (2000) state many explanations behind committing regard for jargon. “Initial, an enormous jargon is obviously esse

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