Justify the pricing strategy you will employ. Perform a breakeven analysis to determine how many customers you will need to make your business financially viable.
Defend your distribution strategy. Determine if there are additional channels you should pursue and why.
Justify your integrated marketing communications plan. Discuss the key themes of your campaign and link them to how your business, service, or product will satisfy your target market needs. Describe each element of the promotional mix in detail and explain how you will integrate the different elements of your promotional mix toward the target market using the key themes. This includes the following elements:
Public relations
Sales promotion
Personal selling
Direct marketing
Interactive marketing
Defend an implementation schedule for your marketing plan. Outline the time frame for the different media campaigns and specify milestones. You should outline who will be responsible for each action item and how you will track the deadlines to ensure the plan stays on schedule.
Justify an evaluation process for the effectiveness of the marketing plan, including use of a marketing dashboard that includes a sample dashboard.
In table format, synthesized estimates for the marketing budget
I obtain excellent communication, IT and interpersonal skills and have the ability to work under pressure, handle many tasks at busy times and priorities my workload. Referring to the NASBM Standards, as an aspiring SBM I believe I obtain the personal skills required to be an effective SBM with previous experience in HR & Marketing, however this also identifies areas I need to develop in; such as Finance therefore, would say I currently sit in the school administration area (Tier 1) In most areas and hope to gain the relevant knowledge required to be a successful SBM by completing this course.
There is much scope for me to develop my skills further which this course will allow me to do and enable me to practise this knowledge in my school, developing myself further in management and leadership skills highlighting the need for an SBM and securing this opportunity if it arises.
2.3: Analyse own professional role and challenges
Above is an illustration of my role analysis; based on current role this shows much of my time is spent completing administration duties,
To extract myself from mainly admin duties and step into more management and leadership activities, I have put in a request to shadow the office manager once a week and attend SLT meetings to learn about how the goals are set then see how the objectives can be met, the challenge I would face is falling behind on admin duties, however this can be tackled by better time management and also delegating a few duties to other team members. I have previous experience working in a HR field as a supervisor, therefore have developed skills in areas such as open communication, HR, marketing, negotiation and excellent time management, however this also identifies the need to develop my skills in the school finance and infrastructure area.