1. Select five primate species, one from each of the following groups: strepsirhine, New World monkey, Old World monkey, small-bodied ape, large-bodied ape. (If you submitted something along these lines for an assignment already, be careful to change the species you chose for that or the sources or add a lot more detail.)
• Create a table comparing the species you are working with.
• Your table organization must follow the Linnaean/Traditional taxonomy characteristics in order as explained in the course modules.
• Under your behavior category you must include a minimum of five behavior. (Our study guide on primates discusses several. You can use those but also others. You can break down what the guide includes into smaller categories.
• Explain why each species, on the basis of your evidence, is placed within its particular taxon category.
• Don’t forget to include all the information in the Format guidelines above (Intro, summation, recommendations). Feel free to start and end the project with some lead in observations, relationship of the exercise to course goals, something that caught your interest while doing the project.
2. Compare and contrast five species of primates within one taxon such as five lemuroids or five lorisoids or five tarsiers or five tamarins.
• Create a table comparing the species you are working with.
• Your table organization must follow the Linnaean/Traditional taxonomy characteristics in order as explained in the course modules.
• Under your behavior category you must include a minimum of five behavior. (Our study guide on primates discusses several. You can use those but also others. You can break down what the guide includes into smaller categories.
• Explain why each species, on the basis of your evidence, is placed within its particular taxon category.
• Don’t forget to include all the information in the Format guidelines above (Intro, summation, recommendations). Feel free to start and end the project with some lead in observations, relationship of the exercise to course goals, something that caught your interest while doing the project.
3. Do a book review following my project and review guidelines, indicating how the work adds specifics to what has been covered in the course. Choose a book or author mentioned or
3. at the end of one of the textbook chapters.
4. you may choose one you find on your own selection that relates to a topic in the course (see syllabus and/or subheadings in the textbook chapters. If given the go ahead by the instructor. (The last is crucial. If agreed upon with the instructor, email me back with details of what I have indicated you must do for the specific work you have chosen, and in doing the review, include every item I have mentioned, including any in a response from me.)
5. (I’m still partial to students getting to know classic, popular science sets of works on catchy topics related to slightly non-mainstream suggestions about possible key features in primate, and especially human, evolution by the following respected anthropologists or primatologists:
6. Marshall Thomas memoir of living with foraging/hunting – gathering community. (“The old way” ….)
7. Sussman and Hart on hominin evolution adaptation to being prey rather than predator
o Wrangham on cooking and hominin evolution.)
4. Write up a visit to the zoo. Discuss with me (Canvas Inbox or email note to me about your plans on which zoo, when you are visiting, how the ticket purchase went, under what conditions are you going, what you are planning to focus on, what preliminary information do you have about primates at the specific zoo, your interests that tie to the zoo visit — that kind of thing) — before you go if at all possible. The Sacramento Zoo has been open on and off, following Covid and other guidelines for visitors, including buying attendance visits in advance, masks, distancing. Just which of the non-human primates in captivity at the zoo are to be seen or are around at any time is unpredictable. If you do visit you have two basic choices for our class on what to consider in your project write up.
4. You may decide on a general introductory one that covers what you observed about whichever captive primates you did see. Cover all the Linnaean/traditional taxonomy traits in detail in the standard order explained in our module web pages and primate study guide. Point out how what you notice corresponded to what you know from the course, added more information, provided alternative information. Do include the formal binomials and informal names of each species you saw, but do not spend too much time on the information in the captions or plaques or other sources – I’m more interested in what you noticed and how you tie that to textbook, Canvas and assigned course information. If you get a chance to chat with any of the zookeepers feeding or cleaning primate cages, make the most of that. Some of the most knowledgeable face to face folks on animal behavior you are likely to meet, in many ways. Pay attention also to the human primate visitors. Zoos until covid have been one of the most popular public activities in the country – especially for families. Zoos are controversial. You may wish to include information and your own thoughts about that in your report. Don’t forget the report does need to follow all the guidelines for project write ups: format; start; end etc.
5. An alternative is an attempt at a standard animal behavior observation data collection activity. The zoo you visit may or may not be supportive of this. Please, review Non human primate observation practice — sharing (Links to an external site.) (web address to copy and paste if link not satisfactory https://docs.google.com/document/d/10QE1XIqSX3JVt7zNdFq01R0ZCsfP8Hj7FqvnBT7NIxo/edit (Links to an external site.)) kindly provided by ARC colleague, Dr. K. Caspar-Denman, one of whose specialties is primatology, and who is active at the Sacramento zoo, and offers a field course at the zoo. Take a look at the project format used by upper division students in a research course teaching data analysis of field work. You are not expected to do everything on that course’s project, but to try out the on and off observation of behavior activity chart collection and write up what you noted in a much shorter period with fewer variables designed to meet your needs.
5. Observe, collect data and analyze animal behavior connecting the goals, observations and results to our course information and methods. Consider scientific method techniques. Evolutionary hypotheses. Follow the data collection issues and format adapted to the sources of information you are using. There are three general choices of what you might get a chance to observe for our project.
5. Videos on monkeys and apes assigned in our section on primates
o If choosing this source, be sure to turn off the sound and captioning. Focus on what you are noticing but is not highlighted in the narrative.
1. or what you can observe straightforwardly via live cams at the following sources:
1. https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams (Links to an external site.)
2. https://www.houstonzoo.org/explore/webcams/chimpanzee-cam/ (Links to an external site.)
o https://www.kansascityzoo.org/ouranimals/list-of-animals/bornean-orangutan/ (Links to an external site.)
1. Or what you adapt from the project 4b link information above to observing animals that you have straightforward access to under covid conditions, a pet of your, dogs being walked, dog park, birds, squirrels, spiders in your life. Yup. This is a way of adapting a standard primate zoo project to current conditions.
6. Research and write up a topic in genetics (such as a medical one like Down syndrome, mosaic Turner, celiac disease, thalassemia, or a theoretical one, or a recent discovery. You may use a scientific method or a history of the research on the subject approach.
7. Watch and review in bulleted format, along the guidelines of my book reviews, three programs on non-human primates or the human fossil record, describing specifics from them that flesh out, or challenge or support or add to class coverage of the topic. Be sure to indicate how the date of the work reflects the content.
8. Develop ethics guidelines for genetic research or marketing of genetic research products. Explain who should be involved in monitoring this and how to enforce or challenge. Consider privacy issues and previous attempts to address these concerns globally.
9. Develop a program for teaching the scientific method and evolutionary theory to young elementary school children.
10. Some more genetics out of class research topic suggestions. Remember outline format for your write up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not an essay. Not a download of search engine results. (See separate posting and guidelines above on formats.).
For topic research you MUST emphasize AT LEAST TWO ACADEMIC ARTICLES and explain at least two alternative theories or hypotheses that address the topic as well as summarizing the MOST CURRENT data, followed by an explanation of how it supports or affects the theories
Functions and origins of mtDNA
LUCA (hypothetical Last Universal Common Ancestor)
Origins of RNA and/or ribosomes
Origins of nuclear DNA (versus mitochondrial)
Present day film is a consequence of long work, arranging and extraordinary thought, which is typified in the play of the entertainers. Arranging the way toward making a specific film frequently is vital in the making of a motion picture deserving of consideration. “Thunderheart” recounts to the narrative of the Native Americans who are compelled to go up against the administration arrangement went for the encroachment of their way of life and its substitution by another American convention. The structure of the film, the splendid content and quality entertainers’ play made this film as probably the best case of western riddle motion picture.
The multiculturalism of present day society advances that individuals consider distinctive to be as a component of the general social space. The development of every individual culture is a recorded procedure that has been presented to outer and inside variables. These elements regularly were causing irreversible changes in the conduct of individuals and the custom of the presence of a specific ethnic gathering. As a matter of first importance, all societies were constantly interwoven and shared a great deal for all intents and purpose, paying little mind to area. In any case, here and there individuals can’t acknowledge different societies when they are unique in relation to their comprehension of the world. The distinction in the standpoint, conventions and traditions urges individuals to desert conjunction with different societies, making the agents of that societies miserable. Local American Culture endured a devastating approach of the legislature of the United States in a specific period, regardless of the way that Native Americans are the shaping some portion of American culture. The structure of the film and its subjective location of explicit point enables watchers to comprehend the real issue of social legacy, its osmosis and intertwining into the general national setting, the issue of Indian nationality and its job in molding American culture by the case of the life and encounters of Native Americans and the issues of segregation, government arrangement and wrongdoing.
The film is planned with the goal that watchers get an opportunity to see the issues that exist profoundly in the awareness of society and which are found in predisposition against Native Americans and their way of life. “Thunderheart” is an account of Indian Reservation, which existed in the late 70’s. In addition, this film is an of every a specific route proof of a battle among conventionalists and dynamic individuals in Indian culture. This implies the conventionalists, as indicated by the plot, are blamed for homicide of one agent of dynamic Indians. The thought is executed so that two FBI specialists research the murder and continually face the social difficulties that exist in American culture. This technique for imaging is really a piece of the image arranging and its execution. The battle of conventionalism and progressiveness likewise is showed in a proper consideration of otherworldliness, which outskirts with the reality. For instance, the picture of an owl in the film implies a forerunner of death: “the owl is the dispatcher; it implies someone’s going to bite the dust” (Thunderheart). Such convictions are inalienable to locals, yet they are likewise reflected in contemporary occasions. Subsequently, the chief had the option to design the plot with the goal that the occasions of the film went poorly the dire social issues.
Additionally, the issue of social arousing, which applies to individuals, who were constrained out by specific nationalities during the recorded advancement, spoke to in the film by the case of a cop Ray Levoi. He is a sort of epitome of a long resistance to the steady absorption of Native American culture, since his situation over the offenses that happen under the front of government is clear – ensure the privileges of individuals, paying little respect to nationality and outside differentiations. We realize that the Europeans accepted they can’t take in anything valuable from the “locals”, so the social osmosis and substitution of Indian culture was the consequence of this vision. Obviously, this view wasn’t right and it later brought forth various social and social issues (Reyhner). In addition, the issue of osmosis covers numerous parts of instruction, which right up ’til the present time is the key issue in US culture and training circle, which requires brief survey and unraveling. Today American Indian training is getting progressively available to various clans, however the United States government needs to seek after an approach of fascination of locals in the general public activity, which is without partiality and segregation (Tribal College: Journal of American Indian Higher Education). Until this point in time, the formation of individual schools and spread of culture of Indians, safeguarding their privileges is the principle motivation behind the instructive area of Native Americans. This arrangement is a piece of a methodology to reestablish equity in the social limits.
Levoi knows about the unpleasantness of the American government’s activities against the Native Americans and the danger of those arrangements that have added to the disintegration of relations between Native Americans and different occupants of America. This strategy for delineation of the truth is a piece of an expert way to deal with organizing and arranging, as every occasion of film has a particular significance for the general setting and even little subtleties are the segments of one good. Additionally, the issue identified with the issue of informal communities and social relationship, on the grounds that Roy, who in thin circles is classified “Thunderheart”, turned into a sort of encapsulation of the Native American saint from an earlier time, who might spare them from all issues. The family relationship, which is inalienable in all countries, is the reason for our resilience and comprehension, in light of the fact that each culture has a privilege to exist, regardless of the historical backdrop of the country and its place in the public eye. The film shows not just the issues that exist in American culture, yet additionally their possibilities and potential arrangements, as every scene is pervaded with enthusiasm of conventionalist American Indians, who hold every one of the customs and would prefer not to converging with the recently settled (in regards to their) way of life.
All in all, Native Americans’ history and their battle for their own way of life and personality is one of the most dire issues of the late twentieth century. “Thunderheart” is a film that demonstrated the primary issues of Native Americans’ way of life, uncovered the earnest themes about which most Americans don’t set out talk. The structure of the film and its storyline, which is the consequence of arranging, were the key of that the film has gotten various honors and, all the more critically, demonstrated the genuine good to a huge number of watchers.