Principles of Management

Answer the following questions in APA format with correctly cited references.
1. Not all work processes are properly designed for effective use by true high-performance teams. (E.g. Great teamwork is not one member working
and three others watching.) What are the key aspects of the processes that make for a true high-performance team? Explain your answer.
2. The natural path from groups to teams to high-performance teams seems to include a change in the role of the manager. What is it about true highperformance teams

that seems to require less from the manager and more self-management and self-designing from the team members?
3. The number one interpersonal skill needed for good team membership is defined as “listening skills.” (E.g., It is easy to listen without hearing the
message being sent.) Explain the more subtle skills and behaviors and why they are critical to true high-performance team success.
4. It’s been suggested that the basis of most conflicts should be resolved during the “norming” phase of Tuckman’s model. Assume a situation in
which a conflict develops among members of a true high-performance team, while the members are still in alignment in terms of Tuckman’s model
and nothing happened to undermine the trust. Propose a possible root cause for this conflict, suggest a path to a resolution, and explain your


I have noted during the test that some works do not have enough idea about the risks of radiation waves and they do not wear a special lab costume that prevent them.
My own feeling on the subject is that there should be some rules and actions taken by the responsible person in order to maintain the safety of employees also educate the staffs about the risks of radiation waves.
5.4 Oil spill
The department safety manager performed a task of Oil spill, the oil was spilled on the ground without informing any of the workers in order to test the ability of employees in dealing with various safety situations.What’s more, the manager discus around the safety issues as well as the accidents that can be cussed by oil spill and the correct way of how to deal with similar situations in future.
The task was completed in a useful way and improve the workers knowledge about safety in the work place.
In contrast, while running the task the safety equipment was not found in the proper place also some workers do not have a complete idea of using the equipment.
In my opinion, the department should assign some workers to check the safety gear monthly also place it in its proper p
In summery the six weeks of internship program has been an interesting experience in Weatherford labs. The training program is mainly to enable the students to apply all the theatrical and practical knowledge in real world to meet the industrial needs.
Being in different sections throughout the internship program with multi tasks assigned to the trainee for different purposes is help the trainee to improve all the soft and hard skills as well as gaining new experience and knowledge in various tasks that are related to trainee studies or in other fields that are semi related.
Moreover, this internship program also include several activities in safety which was a great opportunity to learn different safety situations in the work place and the suitable way to deal with.
All in all, this internship program increase my theoretical as well as practical knowledge in several topics related to my studies which be helpful to me in future works
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s.’ Many verifiable saints expound on such wants, for instance, Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I had a Dream’ discourse. The renowned Austrian nervous system specialist Sigmund Freud had built up the hypothesis of therapy, or a technique where an examiner finds oblivious issues dependent on dreams and dreams. In spite of the fact that, they are various sorts and implications of a ‘fantasy,’ a longing ‘dream’ is still groundbreaking.

A genuine dream is something we will never abandon. We will progress in the direction of it until we have picked up our actual potential. Some case they are dreams, that they are exceptionally ridiculous. Be that as it may, it is a direct result of ourselves that something was not picked up. We as a whole simply prefer to censure others for ou
In any case, what we don’t understand is that our disappointments are what pushes us ahead. We just need to gain from our mix-ups and proceed with our excursion. Since with a genuine dream, it is about the excursion, not about our goal. A few of us simply don’t completely put stock in ourselves for the fantasy to turn into a reality. The individuals caught in a fixed attitude are found they set disillusionment when admiring their objectives. Their lower confidence keeps them from succeeding – or in any event, attempting – in anything. They follow the strides of the ‘failures’, ‘I discuss dreams, Which are the offspring of an inactive mind, Begot of only vain dream.’ (Shakespeare) In their viewpoint, a fantasy is a bad dream, something not worth working for.

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