principles set out in Buddhism

There is a story of a Buddhist monk who was on a ship with a maniac who was killing everyone on board. The monk eventually decided to kill the man in order to prevent further harm of others on board. Do you think this conforms with the principles set out in Buddhism? Why or why not? How do you think karma and compassion come into play in this story?

Sample Solution

Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future

I found that this article was fascinating as I am a competitor, so it is wonderful to perceive what sort of results individuals get from addressing various competitors around the globe. I figured it would have been decent if the creator could have joined a duplicate of the survey, so I could perceive what sort of inquiries he posed to get the reactions he did. However, I do concur with the outcomes that he got, as I imagine that self-administration and self-initiative a significant angle in competitors whether it be secondary school, school, or expert. Furthermore, I found out about the 3 elements of self-initiative. Not discussed in the article, yet I additionally feel with these elements to self-authority are something that each competitor should consider on the grounds that there is consistently somebody admiring you, and you need to be the best chief/good example you can.

CLIPA, O., and GRECIUC, Ş. M.- A. (2018). Relations of Style of Leadership and Achievement Motivation for Teacher. Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education/Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 10(4), 55–64.

Relations of Style of Leadership and Achievement Motivation for Teacher

Otilia Clipa and Marilena-Artemizia Greciuc took an example of 140 instructors from Bucovina County in 2018 to attempt distinguish the connection among initiative and inspiration in educators. So as to do this, they had these 140 instructors round out the Achievement Motivation Inventory and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. In the Achievement Motivation Inventory, it comprised of 17 centered measurements:


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