
Olivia is the CEO for “Freedom Enterprises,” a financial services conglomerate with over 10 billion in assets. Among Freedom’s primary businesses are banking, health insurance and property and casualty insurance. Olivia comes to your office seeking counsel relative to certain events that have transpired over the past few months at Freedom.
Freedom recently fired an employee over an email that was intercepted by Freedom’s Information Security Team. Freedom has a written policy that states that it does not monitor employee email or internet usage. Although all employees are provided with a company email address, the email in question was sent through the employee’s personal Yahoo account to an unidentified third party. The employee accessed his personal email through a company issued laptop via the company’s internet service provider.
The email stated the following:

To: “Mr. X”

From: “Alex Young”

Subject: Information

Hey X, nice meeting with you yesterday. To follow up on our conversation, I have managed to find the information you were requesting:

1. I attached a file listing all policyholders living in New Tudor. The document lists all policyholders by first initial and last name, address, policy number and phone number.

2. I attached a second file, which lists 30,000 Social Security Numbers. As we discussed, we will split the money after you sell them. What did he agree to? $1 per SSN? I can also confirm that on 5/1/2018, Freedom disclosed the attached 30,000 SSNs to “System F Industries.” Our regulators are sniffing around this a bit but I wouldn’t worry about it because our Board of Directors ran it though our outside counsel before signing off on it.

3. Stop worrying! Our Human Resources and Information Security Team is a pretty incompetent group. There is no way they read any emails that employees send. They don’t check to see if we wear our badges. They don’t even have a written information security policy! I have done deals like this many times so don’t be worried, I have everything under control. In fact, many of our employees have a little “side business” going on with all the data we keep. It is obviously very profitable. We need it with the lousy salaries we get here anyway.

4. I was told by Freedom’s Senior Vice President to hack into the IRS’s database and uncover their algorithm for determining which businesses to audit. I just cracked it yesterday and I am sending it to you first. I am sure this will be very valuable on the market. As discussed, we will split the profits once it is sold.

Alex Young

Senior Regulatory Analyst

Freedom Enterprises

Olivia is obviously concerned with what liability or sanctions may be imposed on Freedom. Your supervising attorney asks you to prepare a memo discussing all potential privacy-related issues in Freedom’s case. Please advise your supervising attorney on the likely outcome of each issue, and cite appropriate authorities.


Sample Solution

overs all the pros and cons of both shooting platforms. His opinions are not bias and leaves the decision to the buyer of which weapon will best suite his/her needs based what the rifle will be used for.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
John Dury was the owner of Dury’s Gun Shop in San Antonio, Texas for over forty-five years. He was a gunsmith that built many firearms from the ground up and repaired and customized rifles and handguns alike. His reputation for excellent work is unparalleled in the San Antonio, Texas area.
Relevance: analyze the relevance of each source to your chosen topic
In this article, Dury points out in simple terms how bolt action rifles differ from semi-auto rifles. I will specifically use his explanation of why bolt action rifles have a harder recoil than a semi-auto rifle.

Reference Citation (APA style required)
Towsley, B. M. (2017, August 8). 4 Reasons You Need A Bolt Action Rifle. Retrieved from
Summary: create a logical summary of the information presented in the source
In this article, Towsley is clearly an advocate of bolt action firearms. Pulling on his forty plus years experience he explains why bolt action firearms are the only way to go when it comes to dependability, accuracy, and reliability.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
Towsley is veteran firearms writer, avid hunter, and competent hand loader of firearms ammunition. He has often been called upon as consultant for security firms because of his vast knowledge in the field.
Relevance: analyze the relevance of each source to your chosen topic
Towsley’s no nonsense approach details exactly why bolt actions are better. He backs his opinions up with facts. I will use the facts to bolster my argument.

Reference Citation (APA style required)
Young, D. (2018, May 16). The Great Debate Semi-Auto vs Bolt Action Rifle. Retrieved from
Summary: create a logical summary of the information presented in the source
In this article, Young breaks down the pros and cons of using, cleaning, and tuning bolt action and semi-auto rifles. He puts out a good debate and states in his closing that both weapons, in a sniper overwatch position, are equal shooting platforms.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
David Young works for a company called GTI, or Government Training Institute. They specialize in the training of law enforcement officers and the proper use of firearms in any arena. They are experts in their field. They have been in business since 2003.
Relevance: analyze the relevance of each source to your chosen topic
Young comes at this debate from a law enforcement tactical view. He points out why each platform of rifle would be good in certain situations. I will use his knowledge in pointing out a couple of pros for the

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