Product and Methodology


P​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​lease refer to the uploaded document previously worked on and build on it for the methodology assessment request. The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: 1. a) Apply methodological theory to critically evaluate existing research in your chosen field. 2. b) Critically examine alternate research approaches, philosophies and strategies in research and identify their limitations and implications. Assessment Task Critically analyse the research project and the available methodology, appropriately align the topic and the methodology, and provide a well-argued rationale to support the alignment. Context When working on this assessment task, students should refer to the approved research topics provided within their research area and consult with the supervisor who is overseeing the topic area. Choosing and justifying an appropriate methodology to investigate a topic is one of the key tasks of a professional researcher. Instructions • To complete this assessment task, you must: o Critically engage with your research project to delineate the nature and scope of the project and identify potential research outcomes. o Next, critically examine research approaches, philosophies and strategies including their limitations and implications. o Finally, summarize these issues presenting a well-argued rationale aligning the project with the chosen methodology. • The assessment should be written in report format using headings and sub-headings to orga​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​nize the arguments in the report. • Key references should be provided to support your arguments using the author and year in text supported by a complete list of all references in alphabetical order at the end of the report. Referencing – It is essential that you use the appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. No reference older than 5 years 10-15 references The Word count is strict Document attached for assessment requirement Previous document attached to be built on Marking Guide 25 Marks- Knowledge and understanding of Project both Type and Scope Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of Project both Type and Scope. Clear identification of both the stage of knowledge development of the topic and clear specification of the scope of research by identifying, for example, the geographic and discipline boundaries of the research topic 25 Marks- Analysis and application with the synthesis of new knowledge of Methodology. Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of new with existing knowledge of Methodology. Shows a sophisticated developed ability to interpret relevant information and literature. 50 Marks- Evaluation of both Project and Methodology – information selected to support the alignment Information is always taken from relevant sources with a high level of interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis and synthesis to support the argument of alignment. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant co​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ncepts.

Sample Solution

Although project management and product approaches are related, they address different difficulties and accomplish different outcomes. Project management is defined as the “discipline of planning, coordinating, and managing resources to achieve the effective accomplishment of certain project goals and objectives” (Project Management, 2010). A product methodology, also known as a system development methodology, is a “framework used to structure, plan, and control the process of producing an information system” (Software development methodology, 2010). Simply put, a “project management approach” encompasses everything a project manager must perform, regardless of whether the project is for software development or not.

st, making it helpful for checking execution, Figure 2 shows Tuckman’s model. Positioning gathering execution against this scale can furnish pioneers with an unmistakable comprehension of how the gathering are working, permitting them to carry out strategies to change this in the event that presentation is unacceptable (Pettinger, 2007). Inside associations, the hypothesis can be inexactly applied to making groups by gathering comfortable people with the point that they will arrive at the norming and performing phase of the model faster. For short and straightforward errands this is a very compelling approach to getting sorted out gatherings, because of the expanded momentary efficiency. Anyway there are critical issues with gathering people as such, especially when errands become more intricate, and eventually the model ought to essentially be utilized for checking the advancement of gatherings (Pettinger, 2007). Figure 3: Belbin’s Team Roles (PrePearl Training Development, 2019) A more useful methodology of collection people is to use Belbin’s Team Theory (Belbin, 2017). Belbin recognizes 9 key jobs that should be satisfied inside a gathering to guarantee a positive outcome, the jobs are summed up in Figure 3. The jobs cover a wide range of abilities that should be available inside a gathering to guarantee a good outcome, and becomes fundamental when errands are extended and complex. Associations can track down the Belbin jobs every individual fits through a survey, and in this manner adjusted gatherings can be shaped covering every one of the jobs. Be that as it may, as with Fiedler’s possibility model, the hypothesis when meant practice can frequently turn out to be extremely unrealistic for associations to consistently carry out. This is to a great extent on the grounds that the association is obliged by the characters of their workers, their might be a wealth of one character type and a shortfall of another, the main arrangement is to recruit remotely to fill the missing jobs inside groups. This can bring about a broad finance for an association and gigantic monetary ramifications as they can’t legitimately excuse representative’s on the off chance that they have an excessive number of one character type. The significance of Belbin jobs in a group became obvious for Group 1 on the primary day of the open air administration course, the gathering had 5 individuals who filled the completer finisher and practitioner jobs, but had nobody filling the asset specialist or screen evaluator job, the gathering used up all available time and didn’t get done with the responsibility effectively. Clearly using up all available time was not the sole reason for the gatherings disappointment, but on the off chance that somebody had been observing time and execution, the gathering might have understood their choice was unworkable and might have tracked down an elective arrangement. One answer for absence of Belbin jobs is to appoint explicit jobs to people, this was carried out vigorously on the open air administration course for jobs apparent to be fundamental for progress, for example, time keeping. This technique works for basic undertakings, but for complex errands the person with the allocated liability can frequently become charmed in the undertaking and fail to remember their job, or the inverse turning out to be excessively immersed with the obligation they have been alloted

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