Professional report



Imagine that you are a working public health professional within a state health department. Your supervisor wants you to research the pathophysiology of diseases caused by food or water. In this work Assignment, you may choose a topic dealing with either a food or waterborne disease. Your supervisor requires that your report must focus on the pathophysiological, biological nature of the disease. Furthermore, your supervisor asks that you discuss and evaluate the basis of public health laws, policies, or regulations related to this disease. You must assess how our current understanding of the disease serves as a basis for public health laws, policies, or regulations related to this disease.

Your supervisor asks that you present your findings in a professional report, with the following sections: abstract, introduction, literature review, conclusions, and recommendations. A superior report contains scholarly depth, current APA format, proofreading for spelling and grammatical errors, logical flow of ideas and a logical conclusion, overall scholarly style and tone, and academic references throughout.



Sample Solution



1. Issue articulation

With over portion of the American workforce utilized by independent companies, these associations are the foundation of the American economy. Private companies are the pioneers and the principle businesses in the American work constrain; they assume a fundamental job in the country’s financial recuperation. Be that as it may, with the expanding government guidelines over medical coverage influencing their incomes, entrepreneurs are confronting hazard in their not so distant future which will influence the proprietors as well as the work drive overall.

2. Depiction: How Small Businesses are being influenced by Health Insurance?

2.1. Expanded Health Insurance Charges

Expanded government guidelines as far as medical coverage may cause expanded budgetary strain on proprietors while diminishing their incomes significantly. Numerous businesses have a troublesome time acquiring inclusion for their specialists since they have less representatives, so the expense of medical coverage per laborer is higher than that for a company who has a bigger worker pool. Protection costs for private ventures have expanded 129 percent since 2000.

Independent companies with under five hundred workers make more than 66% of the occupations in the American economy, yet an over the top measure of their income is going toward swelled medical coverage premiums, and not where it ought to be coordinated – development and extension, which would prompt the work of more individuals(Landrieu, 2009).

2.2. Installments of Small Businesses’ Employees

Independent venture representatives pay a normal of 18% more in premiums than those in vast firms for similar advantages. Private companies and their representatives are much of the time charged more for a similar medical coverage inclusion than vast bosses and their specialists. Because of this the businesses of the private ventures need to confront more noteworthy trouble in giving the offices to their representatives.

2.3. Medical coverage State Laws

In numerous states, if entrepreneurs buy protection for themselves they should cover their workers also. This leaves many sole-owners unfit to manage the cost of the advantage of medical coverage. They want to cover their laborers, yet not at all like greater partnerships and firms, they are unfit to deduct the cost on their government form.

2.4. Higher Administrative Costs

The costs that little and expansive firms paid for medical coverage and the estimation of the items obtained are comparable. Be that as it may, safety net providers of little wellbeing plans have higher authoritative costs than the individuals who safeguard bigger organizations. Likewise, working costs are for the most part higher for little wellbeing plans as well. Little firms got somewhat less liberal medical coverage benefits, as per estimations of real esteem.

Therefore, independent ventures offer human services inclusion to a lower level of their work drive and are an alternate kind of client than vast firms.

3. Arrangement

Improving access to credit by independent ventures is a pivotal advance in supporting financial recuperation and occupation creation. Since the money related emergency started, independent companies have confronted an ideal tempest: the pulling back of loaning by banks, crumbling in the estimation of land that they regularly depend on for insurance and debilitated deals. The accompanying recommendations can help take care of our concern to a degree.

3.1. The Proposed Solutions

Entrepreneurs can profit by another suggestion that would enable their specialists to be pooled with the representatives of other littler organizations (Anonymous, 2009). The proposed arrangements are

Enable Insurance To Be Sold to Associations. There are exactly 16,000 relationship in the United States, and six million individuals are as of now guaranteed through such associations as the National Association for the Self-Employed. Affiliation wellbeing plans enable entrepreneurs to pool assets, consult with safety net providers and buy protection plans for individuals. Nonetheless, the presence of 50 sets of state guidelines is a boundary to minimal effort medical coverage. On the off chance that little firms could purchase medical coverage with uniform government guidelines, they could appreciate a similar lower regulatory expenses and more prominent bartering power as vast firms.

Give Businesses A chance to buy Health Insurance from Insurers in Other States. Assurance from interstate challenge enables government officials to force costly orders and exorbitant guidelines. Enabling organizations to buy inclusion crosswise over state lines would make increasingly aggressive protection markets. Interstate compe­tition would give more individuals access to moderate protection.

Give Businesses A chance to add to the Cost of Employee-Owned Insurance. Medical coverage in the United States is to a great extent fixing to work since manager commitments for medical coverage are charge deductible costs of doing business and don’t consider assessable salary for representatives. Premiums for business paid medical advantages maintain a strategic distance from all pay charges and the (FICA) finance charge. On the other hand, workers of private companies without manager gave medical advantages get no duty alleviation.

Private company businesses ought to have the capacity to add to the expense of wellbeing approaches bought by their workers. Their laborers would get compactness, however at premiums closer to the expense of gathering protection. Thus, protection inclusion would pursue individuals from occupation to employment and specialists would not confront a disturbance in advantages when their work changes.

3.2. Advantages of the proposed arrangements

The proposed arrangements can help the Small organizations in the accompanying ways

The insurance agency would then have the capacity to offer them lower rates; more representatives would be pooled together, in this way reducing the expense per individual.

Slackening government guidelines and offering medical coverage alleviation to sole-owners would realize different advantages.

The picked up income could then be utilized to prepare representatives legitimately, consolidate the apparatuses vital for their work to be finished in an auspicious and compelling way, and contract qualified, propelled representatives with a solid hard working attitude.

Their organizations would then have the capacity to develop, in this way diminishing the joblessness rate.

This thus would animate the economy and increment the improvement of life for the workers being referred to as well as for Americans overall.

As the organizations will develop, this will create more noteworthy battle among the organizations and accordingly will help in expanding the Competition. Aggressive market dependably results in advancement.

Entrepreneurs and their specialists will be centered Small entrepreneurs will be energetic about their organizations.

Inventive private companies are prize focuses of bigger organizations that frequently think that its more practical to gain than to improve without anyone else. By diminishing the weight on these organizations, they will ready to make more advancements.

Private ventures realize that their vocation depends on their clients. Little is incredible for clients. In this manner, by diminishing worry of these organizations, they will almost certainly give better client care.

This theme has been inquired about utilizing various diverse sources. For example, ProQuest gives a bounty of data with respect to the idea of the medical coverage guidelines that are being forced on sole-owners. Two of the refered to articles tended to the issue explicitly from the sole-owner’s perspective which reveals some insight into the issue available concerning how these proprietors are legitimately influenced by stringent medical coverage guidelines, what sway it has on both them and their representatives and what might be the best game-plan to take to make this work for everybody included (Landrieu, 2009).

The other article picked was written in a target perspective, expressing the battling idea of sole-owners, how they long to give satisfactory medical coverage to their specialists yet can’t figure out how to do as such since it isn’t charge deductible. Some appropriate actualities and measurements are additionally used in the majority of the refered to productions so as to investigate the impacts of this issue and assess their suggestions.

These articles do give some quantitative factual establishing, in light of which a few ends can be drawn. In the meantime, the vast majority of the examination close by will be subjective. So as to check the impediments innate to utilizing the subjective strategy only, we should use the quantitative part as much as these assets permit.

While the assets accessible won’t take care of the issue for the last time, the closeness of the considerable number of essayists to both the protection area and to the private companies guarantees to give some important understanding on the issue, from a both subjective and quantitative methodology.

4. End

Individuals ought to have the capacity to buy, with pretax dollars, wellbeing plans that are compact starting with one employment then onto the next, similarly as gathering plans do. Businesses ought to have the capacity to help pay the premiums on those individual plans. To maintain a strategic distance from expensive state commands, independent companies ought to be permitted to buy plans like those obtained by substantial organizations that self-safeguard. On the off chance that an answer for this issue of medical coverage affecting little firms is tackled, private companies could make a national commercial center where insurance agencies and care suppliers vie for people on cost and quality.


Mary Landrieu. (2009,October9). Wellbeing Costs Are Crushing Small Businesses.Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), p.A.17. Recovered October 21, 2009, from ProQuest National Newspapers Expanded. (Record ID:1875612881).

Michael Weiser. (2009,October9). Protection hardships of a little business.Chicago Tribune, p.23. Recovered October 21, 2009, from ProQuest National Newspapers Expanded. (Report ID:1875818001).

NCHC | Facts About Healthcare – Health Insurance Costs. (n.d.). Recovered October 21, 2009, from

Independent companies presently have a troublesome time.(2009,September8). The Washington Post, p.A.9. Recovered October 21, 2009, from ProQuest National Newspapers Expanded. (Record ID:1854901361),




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