Program Development





This assignment requires students to demonstrate knowledge and skills in planning, effective preparation of
proposals, and program design.
1. Students should show that they have an understanding of a social problem that would addressed by a
human services agency.
2. Next students should create a hypothetical agency, discuss the agency’s mission, goals, and objectives.
Students should be able to integrate the first two parts of the paper with one another, using the social problem
identified to address items 3 and 4 of this assignment.
3. Third, students need to make a hypothesis about the way interventions will be carried out. (Discuss the
theories that will be used).
4. Finally, students should list and discuss the specific services of the hypothetical agency he/she has created.




Sample Solution


A circumstance of out and out emergency for an association comes when it appears to be just a choice to assign forces of a compelling position or a key authority position to a lady. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, originator and CEO of the Center for Talent Innovation says emergency acquires ladies into key positions associations while existing system doesn’t work and new strategy is essential. However, looks into demonstrate that ladies authority improves corporate execution.

Development of ladies initiative key positions is slow. Concealed obstructions exist that don’t release ladies to the higher positions for example Glass celling. Much work is accessible to investigate the factor that why we have hardly any ladies heads on top position, yet one prime factor isn’t being expressed. Would truly ladies like to secure most senior degree of their association? — is it an administration eager hole or something different that keeps them down. Or then again in the event that they need to try to the top than what are those snags that don’t bolster them.

Intentionally sexual orientation assorted variety works and acknowledging job inversion idea for people; yet, ladies underrepresentation for administration positions is spotted. In 2013, ladies spoke to just 16.9% of corporate official in fortune 500 organizations while making up 40% of the worldwide work power. Ladies vocation advancement or hopeful projects are by and large very much bolstered in west where as in creating nations still female business pioneers are absent. In Pakistan we have many ladies pioneers holding top positions particularly in we have too hardly any names of business pioneers. A few works have been done in such manner that “why we have too barely any ladies chiefs” yet the reason to this investigation is to assess if ladies Do NOT Want or Are there any another components that keep them down.

1.1 Background


Regardless of very nearly 50 years of equivalent open door enactment, open doors for ladies for initiative positions are at all yet equivalent. Clearly, the level of ladies in influential positions is generous and is expanding drastically. That is especially valid for restricted fields, for example, the executives, medication and so on. Ladies likewise obtain compelling situations in a wide scope of legislative, non-benefit, and strict settings; Even then they are still horribly underrepresented at the top and overrepresented at the lower level of the most powerful initiative chains of command.

In the worldwide universe of rivalry and partnership, where there is prosaism of equivalent open door still ladies experience issues opening maximum capacity at work. The issue of skill and capability is improbable valid as % of ladies holds college degree is more than men alongside reliable beating work with regards to scholarly accomplishments. (WEF Gender Gap 2007)

As indicated by the Christiane Lemke in 2014 Max Weber Conference; “Ladies in Leadership Positions: Can Women Have It All?” Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, New York University, August 2014.

An unpredicted ascent of ladies can be found as of late. Directly a record number of ladies world pioneers remembering eight nations for Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, Africa had ladies political pioneers in 2014.In US numerous ladies were a piece of Senate and House political decision in 2012, Hillary Clinton prone to be a piece of US presidential political decision 2016.

In advanced education and business world including media ladies have gained ground however gradually into bearing administration positions. Notwithstanding pay dispersion, remuneration plans, professional stability, and sexual orientation separation are still persevered and articulated.

Sheryl Sandberg CEO face book contends that ladies inadvertently keep themselves down in their vocations; exhibit of assurance and diligence is required for them to achieve administration positions in the corporate world. Join proficient accomplishment with individual satisfaction is fundamental for this help is required by men to profit in work place and at home too. Disregarding it, there isn’t just an individual outlook which empowering ladies to seek after a vocation, particularly with a family, yet additionally an increasingly perplexing life world, where impact of family responsibilities and society included seriously.

Headway into key compelling positions is anything but a direct procedure, factors that add to the upward progress of ladies who accomplish places of initiative and power, and afterward what is keeping ladies down? Why does decent variety make a difference to remember ladies for top positions and what is the circumstance of ladies who face the difficulties in different pieces of the world? are the issues examined in this segment.

1.1.1 Global Perspective

Ladies keep on being impeded with regards to work place both in the general population and private divisions. In spite of being famously able to be more into standard, ladies remain oppressed as far as getting to top administration/initiative positions. And, after its all said and done more ladies are getting instructed and hold more occupations around the world. Henceforth, most keep on experiencing segregation in the working environment and seldom get through the inconspicuous obstruction for example biased based impediment, which isolates them from top-level administration and persuasive positions.

Separated of it, the not many that push through to possess top administration/the executives positions face genuine difficulties/hardships that can and do bind their presentation up to a specific breaking point in these positions. This is a genuine worry as it fortifies the current idea of stereotyping for ladies’ capacity to perform at the top level/compelling positions.

As per the McKinsey and Co, 2011, Unlocking the maximum capacity of ladies in the US economy overview, Even fruitful ladies official offered blended reactions just 41% of effective ladies try to be a piece of c-suit position. Out of 59% one reaction is

“My inner self tries to get it going, yet my bona fide self isn’t sure on the off chance that it is worth would expect me to accomplish increasingly more legislative issues, and I would prefer not to .I hate that.”

In west, authoritative atmosphere is endeavoring to help the advancement of capable ladies pioneers to make noteworthy financial advantages. In any case, an excessive number of ladies would prefer not to reach at the top, out of 200 effective ladies 59% don’t seek to join the c-suit. In US is in procedure of changes that if corporate pioneers are resolve to change and bolster ladies to satisfy their family duties, at that point all ladies and men benefits. It isn’t so much that simpler however effective organizations and motivating ladies make it reasonable.

In the United States, ladies in the executives represent about 33% of M.B.A. classes, yet just 2 % of Fortune 500 CEOs, 8 % of top authority positions, and 16 %of board executives and corporate officials . From a universal angle, even US is in no way, shape or form not quite the same as different nations.

A comparative example appears with heads of state. About 6% of the world’s top political pioneers are female. They hold just 21.9% of positions in national parliaments around the world. Since the 1990s, just around 30 ladies have filled in as heads of state, albeit an expanding number have been in amazing countries, for example, the United Kingdom and India and so forth.

Figure 1:Women in National Parliament (Global)

There are additionally not many ladies chairmen in many districts on the planet, less than one of every 10 urban areas has a lady as a civic chairman.

The world’s best/amazing organizations are for the most part run by guys. There are just 26 female CEOs in the current year’s Fortune 500 organizations, and just 54 in the best 1000.

Figure 2:Women Mayors, By Region (Global)

Figure 3:Female CEOs in Fortune 500

Ladies at present hold 5.2 % of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 % of Fortune 1000 CEO positions. This is low, yet in any event it’s a consistent increment from 1995, when there were no ladies CEOs in the best 500. (Over all Fortune 200 ladies portrayal as leading body of chief is just 15%).

Ladies are underrepresented in the money business, as well. Just 11.4% of CFOs in 2013’s Fortune 500 were ladies.

Figure 4:Proportion of Women in Finance

Complete and extensive global information is inaccessible for ladies’ portrayal in key places of/an influential position in business and the callings, yet the constrained data can mirror their advancement in particular fields.

Following segment investigates the main driver/reason for these diligent and unavoidable imbalances, which change crosswise over land, national, social, and word related settings.


Sheryl Sandberg, a worldwide pioneer in innovation, is a 21st century workingwoman good example in light of her solid backing for the progression of ladies’ administration. With total assets of $1.1 billion, Facebook COO she is probably the wealthiest lady in tech. Sheryl Sandberg has been positioned one of the 50 “Most Powerful Women in Business” by Fortune Magazine .


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