Project Feasibility Assessment


An organization often undertakes an initial study to determine if a new project can support the organization’s goals and mission. You will create a research-backed feasibility study in support of the viability of your project. The project is “Reward Program” for businesses/company.
Project Assessment
The Assessment will be comprised of four sections. Specific research requirements are delineated for each component.
Project Description (1/2 page)
Explain the project in simple terms. The description should include its proposed purpose and information about the organization where the project will be supported (location, industry, size). The organization does not have to be real. It may be fictional, but all research support in future sections must assume it is “real.”
Market and Competition (1 page)
Identify your end users inside and outside of the organization. What group(s) will the completed project serve? Research is required to back-up your selection and to provide statistics to show that it is a viable market.
Analyze the competition, especially the largest players. Consider the size of the market and how many competitors control the majority of the market.
Research in this section MUST include some content listed under Module 1 Assignment Resources.
Technical and Resource Requirements (1/2 page)
For this section, include information on what categories of expenditures are required such as labor, training, technology, capital expenses, or supplies. Explain the rationale for the costs, do basic research, and provide cost estimates.
Internet research is acceptable.
Recommendations (1/2 page)
Based on what you presented in the first three sections, explain how this project is deemed to be viable.
Be sure to support your analysis with research.
Effective academic and research writing requires a 3rd person voice. This assignment must be written in 3rd person.

Module 1 References:
M1 Chapter 3 Project Phases and Organization -22 pages
Project101x: Project initiation in review (2:23)

Project Management in Under 5: What is Project Scope? (3:29)

Project Management in Under 5: What is a Project Goal? (2:25)

SMART Objectives:
Writing SMART Objectives (5 pages with links)
Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals (3 pages)
How to Write Effective Project Objectives Every Time – Project Management Training (3:23)

M1 Chapter 7 Starting a Project-31 pages
The Whys and Wherefores of a Project Feasibility Study– 1 page
The Project Management Life Cycle – Successfully Guide Your Projects to Completion- 1 page
Reviewing the 4 Steps of a Feasibility Study Method – 1 page
Six Feasibility Study Steps – 1 page
How to Write Effective Project Objectives Every Time – Project Management Training (3:23)

Sample Solution

o Levesque, it is quite evident that Gorbachev’s lack of control played a big role in ultimately leading to the end of the Cold War, but it is not the only reason as to why this occurred because other factors such as the Soviet-American relations improving, Reagan’s presidency and his policies and the Soviet Union’s economy, contributed to why the Cold War came to an end. Relations between the Soviets and the Americans were damaged, and so were relations with Eastern European countries because Gorbachev’s focus was on the West and Soviet control was inadequate. Therefore, it is clear that the main reason for the end of the Cold War was the lack of control Gorbachev had over the Eastern European countries.


Pemberton’s interpretation of Reagan’s leadership outlines why Reagan was a significant factor that influenced the end of the Cold War. Ultimately, he changed the political landscape of America by enforcing relationships with the Soviet Union through summits with Gorbachev. The Geneva summit in 1985 for instance, was essential in improving Soviet-American relations because Reagan and Gorbachev met for the first time to discuss international diplomatic relations and the arms race. Similar to Eisenhower, Reagan believed that a personal relationship among leaders was the necessary first step to breaking down the barriers of tension that existed between the two countries, which then allowed the following summits to be more effective, for example by setting out terms for treaties and forming consensuses. The 1986 Reykjavik summit discussed the banning of ballistic missiles proposed by Gorbachev and the Moscow Summit of 1988 allowed Gorbachev and Reagan to finalise the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Reagan’s goal was to convince Gorbachev that America desired peace above all else. Therefore, Pemberton considers Reagan to have positively impacted the end of the Cold War through his contribution to the 5 summits he had with Gorbachev.

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