Project management



Submit one to two-page summary of a journal article on how to make project management successful all around on your project?

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Project management

The Project Management Institute defines project management as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements” (PMBOK Guide, 3rd Edition, Project Management Institute Inc., PN, 2005). To sum up, project management is about making the project happen. A successful project manager is one who can envision the entire project from start to finish, and have the prowess to realize this vision. To keep pace with business, project managers need to make their management practices more flexible. So, how do you make project management successful all around your project? Be agile; do not micromanage; keep improving your project management practice; ongoing planning; work with a sense of urgency; visualize and communicate all project deliverables and activities; complete deliverables step-by-step; healthy risk management; open communication; and never lose sight of the 3-factors: time, budget, and quality.

ituation. An argument as to why allow the client to stay in the organization. The manager wanted to place him on the barred list and stop him from attending anyone session etc.. we had a meeting and discussed the way forward for both clients as steven had shown aggression previously and had been warned about his behaviour but I felt it was worth giving him this chance to prove himself only on the basis he took part in some counselling sessions before he were allowed to re join any activity’s my manager agreed to this suggestion but did make it clear it was down to myself to make it work. Otherwise he would have to leave the organization. We all deserve a break and sometimes it pays of, good moral character, an individual should analyse the consequences of the exercising bad moral character and preform actions that are ethically correct. I go into the Deontology described as “Duty” is based on rules, action morals discussing by way of non consequtionist, doing the right thing because its right, people acting accordingly, regardless of the “good” or the” consequences” that might be produced. Darwel (2002)
This was the approach we taken regarding Steven, policies say with a zero tolerance to any form of abusive behaviour, as he was the client being disruptive. However, using the Deontology view was preferred to use in this instance it was seen the “right” thing to do rather than the contrast of “Utilitarianism” approach, which places the right or wrong based on the consequences beyond the scope of their own interests of other people such as the more good of the “consequences” of an act the better and/or more right act. Bentham (1968) if this theory was applied in the first instance then the client Steven would have still of had underlining issues that ought to have been addressed but would have gone un noticed and banned from the organization. It was the right decision, So therefore, using and applying the Deontology theory in my view was the best outcome for all involved.

Whilst recognising a greater accountability as an example if you ask a group of people to Define leadership, everyone in the group would have their own view on the understanding in leadership. The accountability within the specific needs of the organization Mohant (1993) being accountable, responsible for ones work and answering for the repercussions of ones actions Beaver (1993) As with Steven we were would have been accountable if it wasn’t the “Right” decision. Such as moral judgment is built mostly on Kohlberg (1969) cognitive and moral judgment. Once the individual becomes aware of an ethical issue the ethical judgment is then more than likely to be made.

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