Project management allows for a clear and focused workflow to approach

Project management allows for a clear and focused workflow to approach an issue or task. These approaches streamline a process, allow for checks and balances, and ensure all stakeholders are active participants in the process. Project management approaches often utilize SMART objectives to define and set the objectives for the project.
Each letter of the acronym SMART defines a different criterion for the objective. A SMART objective is specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and timely. These objectives help to steer the work and direct the stakeholders to the completion of the project.
For this Assignment, you will reflect on project management approaches that could be used to address a quality improvement practice gap. You will develop SMART objectives for the planning and execution of a quality improvement project, and will consider potential project management approaches or activities that could be used in executing this project.

To Prepare:
• Review the Learning Resources for this week, and consider the approaches of project management.
• Refer to the Week 3 Discussion, and reflect on the quality improvement practice gap you identified.
• Consider how you might apply the project management approaches examined this week to address the quality improvement practice gap you identified.
• Think about how you might develop SMART objectives for the planning and execution of a project to address the quality improvement practice gap you identified.
• Consider any other project management approaches or activities you might recommend using for your project that will address the quality improvement practice gap you identified.
The Assignment: (2–3 pages)
• Briefly describe the quality improvement practice gap you identified in your nursing practice or organization. Be specific.
• Develop at least two SMART objectives you might apply in the project planning phase or execution phase to address the quality improvement practice gap you identified.
• Recommend at least two project management activities you would use for your project, addressing the quality improvement practice gap you identified. Explain your justification for why these activities would provide the best support. Be specific and provide examples.


Sample Solution

Project management is the use of processes, methods, skills, knowledge, and experience to meet particular project objectives within agreed-upon parameters while adhering to project acceptance criteria. Final outputs are bound by a finite timeframe and budget in project management. The fact that project management has a final outcome and a fixed timeframe, as opposed to management, which is an ongoing process, is a major aspect that distinguishes it from just’management.’ As a result, a project manager need a diverse set of talents, including technical expertise, as well as people management and business acumen. A project is a one-of-a-kind, short-term endeavor undertaken to attain specific goals, which can be measured in terms of outputs, outcomes, or benefits.

Accordingly, could this multitude of elements at any point impact the learning of understudies? Contrasting the two schools’ exhibitions there appears with be almost no distinction. Truth be told, arrangement 2 (where very little innovation is utilized) have improved brings about the advancement 8 scores and thusly an expanded number of understudies accomplishing A*-C in the GCSE brings about the mid year of 2016. Consequently, this enquire can’t uphold completely the possibility that learning innovations upgrades learning.

Be that as it may, the advantage of learning advancements utilized in study halls is apparent. With the utilization of games, for example, Kahoot, the advantages are endless: when the game is played, 100 percent of understudies are focusing on what’s going on toward the front, contrasting and other learning exercises; it can build the degree of fixation; it is tomfoolery and propelling; it can prompt the understudies to like that specific instructor, or that specific subject, on the grounds that is fun; Learning advancements are viewed as expanding understudies’ certainty and inspiration by making school work more agreeable. Understudy’s perspectives and contribution in learning change and it is considered as tomfoolery and not as standard training.

However, what makes a useful study hall climate, where it are utilized to learn innovations? Koehler et al (2004) propose that innovation, similar to language, is a mechanism for articulation, correspondence and request that can assist educators with tackling educational issues in study halls. In this manner, educators’ capacity to utilize innovation should be firmly associated with their capacity to educate; that is, great educators with innovation should be first great educators. Adding to that, BECTA (2008) contended that learning innovations can make an imaginative climate in the study hall, through the outflow of thoughts, to utilize a blend of instinct, rationale, reason and immediacy and to make associations between homeroom work and outside encounters.

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