Project Management Undergraduate Project


JZ, Inc. is a leader in high-quality grill manufacturing. Recently, field representatives indicated that the
demand for wood pellet grills is increasing. JZ’s president, Rhett Johnson, thinks that wood pellet grills
will be the new direction of the company, since that increases the marketability of the company’s
products to countries that already use wood pellets for home heating. JZ, Inc. is a small company
focused on high-end products. They use a priority matrix to guide their projects, as seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Project Priority Matrix for Wood Pellet Grill Project:
Part 1
You are a project team member for JZ’s wood pellet grill development project. The project will
affectionately be known as the “Pellet Project”. The information necessary to create a project schedule
has been provided in Table 1 by the project manager.
Table 1. Pellet Project Schedule
The following assumptions will hold true for this project:
1. The project begins January 2, 2015
2. The holidays observed at JZ, Inc. are:
a. Martin Luther King Day (3rd Monday in January)
b. Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
c. July 4th
d. Labor Day (1st Monday in September)
e. Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November)
f. Christmas Day (December 25th)
3. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, then Friday will be given as the day of observance. If the holiday
falls on a Sunday, then Monday will be given as the day of observance.
4. The project team works eight-hour days, Monday through Friday.
Deliverables for Part 1
Construct a network for this project and prepare a memo that answers the following questions:
1. When is the project estimated to be completed?
2. How long will the project take?
3. What is the critical path for the project?
4. Which activity has the most slack?
5. How sensitive is the network?
6. Identify and justify two sensible milestones for the project.


Sample Solution

and wasn’t even the only death that year. After Piazza sustained his injuries, it took members of the frat over 40 minutes to decide what to do, which many attribute to the bystander effect as well as groupthink. In many cases like these, the members of the fraternity know what they are doing – engaging in violent and excessive hazing – is wrong. Many of these members not only feel sympathy, but even empathy due to the fact they went through the same ritualistic hazing. Fear of standing out against the group causes these people not to say anything. Everyone wants to fit in, and that leads people to do weird things.

Groupthink is a societal phenomenon unlike any other. This tendency occurs when the desire for harmony within a group leads to irrational behavior. These “irrational behaviors” include ignoring their sympathies or empathies to victims to fit in with the crowd. There have been many cases of people ignoring others being murdered, raped, or otherwise assaulted due to the “bystander effect”, a result of groupthink. Such examples of this include Ilan Halimi, a French Jew kidnapped in Paris and Shanda Sharer who was kidnapped by four teenage girls. Irving Janis proposed about eight symptoms of groupthink, one of which being: Unquestioned belief in the morality of the group, causing members to ignore the consequences of their actions. This nicely ties into the big discussion of “bad morality versus sympathy” as this unquestioned belief in the morality of their group – whatever it may be – becomes “bad” by the unwillingness to question it. Groupthink has been applied to cases such as the fraternity hazing but also what led the Nazi’s to invade the Soviet Union, and is how we get scandals such as Watergate. It also leads to centuries long oppression, through slavery or other forms of degradation.“Bad morality” is any morality that requires you to ignore your natural sympathies to others in order for it to survive.We find good morals to be based in sympathy, in the way we handle

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