Project Proposal



This is the first of three assignments that, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to
your selected project.
Assume you have been selected to be the project manager for a project of your choice. The project that you
use must meet the key criteria of a project. It must:
Have a beginning and an end.
Result in something being delivered to someone.
Require a series of activities that must be done to complete the project.
Require resources (for example, people and materials) to complete the work.
The project can be one of a personal or professional nature and must last for at least nine months.
Note: You are prohibited from using projects that can found on the Internet, including projects found in places
such as CourseHero. All project submissions are submitted to SafeAssign for review.
Write a 3–4 page paper in which you define the scope of your chosen project:
Provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
Describe at least two project goals and two project objectives.
Describe the project management structure that you will use to manage the project. Will you manage it via the
existing functional structure of the organization, set up a projectized/dedicated project team, or use a matrix
management structure? If you will use a matrix structure, which type will you use?
Identify the key customer (or customers) and at least two stakeholders for your project. Discuss their roles and
their impact on the project. Remember that although you are delivering the project to your customer, there are
others (stakeholders) who also have a vested interest in your project.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the
Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any
additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Draft a project plan that includes goals and objectives, recommended structure, and stakeholders for a
successful project.




Sample Solution





The Pros and Cons of Using Facebook

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examination exposition test: hack social mediaBefore the main phone had been concocted by Joseph Bell, there were no different way to convey from long separations with the exception of by transmit or letters. This reality had set certain breaking points on the quantity of individuals one could contact a ways off; additionally, correspondences were much more slow than today. With the innovation of the Internet, speaking with the entire world through a PC has become a reality. Notwithstanding, the genuine transformation in correspondence happened when Mark Zuckerberg presented his creation: Facebook. While being appealing for individuals everywhere throughout the world, Zuckerberg’s informal organization likewise has genuine dangers and difficulties that may not be clear from the outset.

Facebook is an extraordinary method to stay in contact with individuals who are far away. As indicated by studies, companions who live in various nations and use Facebook to speak with one another showcase an increasingly idealistic disposition and feel more settled about the individuals who are near them, contrasted with the individuals who don’t utilize any informal communities, or utilize just email (IFR Database). Individuals who use Facebook will in general feel like they are in contact with the remainder of the world paying little heed to separations, and this sensation causes them to feel better.

Facebook is a sensible choice for individuals who need to remain refreshed with the updates on the points that are important to them. Joining different networks in regards to a wide range of exercises, and getting refreshes from them transform Facebook into a simple to-utilize, totally adjustable newsline. Consequently, Facebook can be a helpful instrument for the individuals who need to get operational and crisp data.

Simultaneously, Facebook is known to be a factor that mutilates one’s impression of the real world, decreases an incredible fulfillment and character, and adversely influences connections between individuals. As per the examination held by Ethan Kross of the University of Michigan and Philippe Verduyn of Leuven University, individuals who use Facebook frequently show a developing disappointment with their lives, while respondents who use Facebook rarely and associate with peers, all things considered, felt more joyful and more advantageous (The Economist).

A similar research indicated how the most widely recognized feeling experienced by individuals who consistently use Facebook is envy. This is because of the way that individuals for the most part give a valiant effort to make their lives look superior to anything they are truly, and simultaneously have confidence in the truth of “virtual lives” made by other Facebook clients.

Facebook can be risky for adolescents and youngsters. Guardians who might want to shield their kids from negative data on the Internet ought to consider how Facebook is loaded with connections to other media assets, some of which can be unequivocal. While it is conceivable, somewhat, to control a kid’s utilization of Facebook, it is difficult to foresee where perusing these connections could lead them (TheOnlineMom). Because of a similar explanation, guardians reserve an option to feel stressed over the companions of companions. One can know all the companions of their youngsters, however these companions have different companions, who can impact these kids.

Facebook is a device which ought to be utilized with alert. Despite the fact that it is an advantageous method to keep in contact with companions and colleagues who live far away, and to remain refreshed about occasions which are of enthusiasm for a specific individual, it can likewise impactsly affect one’s character. For instance, Facebook makes its standard clients feel desirous about the lives of others; it can likewise incite disappointment with one’s own life, particularly contrasted with individuals who mingle more, all things considered, as opposed to on the web. The relationship Facebook has with the world is ambivalent: yet we may observer its relationship turn for the more awful in the coming decades.


“Find some kind of purpose for existing!” The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 17 Aug. 2013. Web. 07 Mar. 2014. < informal community appears make-human increasingly hopeless get-life>.

“The Pros and Cons of Facebook for Kids.” TheOnlineMom. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2014. <>

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