On May 20, 2016, at approximately 18:00, officers responded to the Socks for Feet Outlet located at 222 Citation Way. According to the Socks for Feet Security Officer Bo Foot, three people entered the store and began walking down the Big Feet area of the store. Security Officer Bo Foot observed suspect one take three dozen pairs of the Big Guy brand socks and place them down his pants. Security Officer Bo Foot then followed the three suspects into the Hammer Toe section of socks where Security Officer Bo Foot observed suspect two place two dozen pairs of the Hang Nail Free brand of socks into suspect three’s purse. As Security Officer Bo Foot approached the suspects, the suspects began to run. As Suspect one began to run, he bumped Security Officer Foot, causing him to fall to the floor. All three suspects ran out of the store into the back parking lot of the store.

The store owner Clifford Tonell identified the three suspects as:

Suspect 1 Bubba Hurt.
Suspect 2 Skeeter Redrum.
Suspect 3 Summer Breeze.
All three suspects were later apprehended and arrested at the Just for Kicks Martial Arts studio located at 626 Felony Drive. All of the property was recovered inside Skeeter Redrum’s 1969 Ford Pinto.

To complete this assignment, act as the District Attorney and complete the following:

Determine what kind of theft charges for all three individuals involved in this incident and provide a definition for each theft charge. You should base your answer found in the Week 6 Assignment Document Library [PDF].
Next, examine the crime scenario and give your opinion on whether the crime committed was done by amateurs or professionals (refer to the Week 6 Assignment Document Library [PDF]).
Identify what type of criminal typology could be applied (refer to the Week 6 Assignment Document Library [PDF]).


Sample Solution

With the recently renewed interest in labeling theory, there have been some notable contributions to criminology. In regards to theoretical contributions, labeling theory focuses on sociological aspects of delinquency, rather than the pathological and individual aspects that many other theories focus on. It attempts to explain the creation of delinquent careers and why some adolescents continue to lead deviant lives while others can turn their live around. It separates delinquent acts from delinquent careers, recognizing that just because an individual commits one delinquent act does not mean he will go on to become a career criminal. Taking this fact into account, this theory also recognizes that delinquent acts and delinquent careers should be treated differently, since they are in fact different entities.

One of the key contributions of labeling theory to criminology is its consideration of the causes of criminal behavior. With labeling theory, a person who commits a crime or delinquent offense is labeled by peers, communities, and by those in the criminal justice system. This label leads to stigmatization that can have a profound impact on future criminality (Braithwaite & Drahos, 2002; Restivo & Lanier, 2015). Labeling is a process that begins with “status degradation ceremonies,” which involve publicly lowering a person’s social status/identity within his/her own social group, thus labeling that person as an “outsider” (Garfinkel, 1956, p. 420).

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