Psychiatric and Mental Health Care Evaluation Summary of Clinical Experiences
The following will be expected of each student: Identify the best and the worst of your
experiences. Which preceptors did you learn the most from, what do you wish you had done
differently or are you completely satisfied with the experiences you had? Do you feel you have
developed symbiotic ways to help patients develop insight and solutions to their problems in the
context of individual psychotherapy and medication management? Provide objective comments
about your facilities and your preceptors – would you recommend them to future students?
Briefly and succinctly, describe each type of experience you were able to get and ones that you
wish you had been able to get. Describe the facility, the type of work they do, the type of
clientele they service and describe the preceptor. What was the preceptor’s style? Provide a
discussion of the overall experience with the patients. Was this experience what you expected,
was it less, or was it more? Do you still want to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner? Were you
able to see patients alone, did your preceptors allow you to “run the sessions”?
Do you feel that you learned any of the business aspects of becoming a PMHNP from your
preceptors? Do you feel that you understand some of the billing and coding? What about how
your role is changing (even if you are already a nurse practitioner). Do you feel that your
preceptors prepared you for what is ahead? Do you feel ready?
How are you different? What has changed about you? How will your approach with patients be
different? Has the population of patients that you thought you would want to work with
The Evaluation Summary of Clinical Experiences paper provides a student with an opportunity to summarize and synthesize a blending of various therapeutic approaches that they were able to experience over the last 510 hours of psychiatric experiences with various patients and preceptors. This assignment can either be a paper or a video. Videos are to be no longer than 15 minutes. Papers are to be no longer than 5 pages. This can be done in first person.
this time—his decision to paint children at all was quite novel, and his work contributed hugely to the public perception of the young having an interior life.
By the 19th century, painters concerned themselves more with representing emotion and changing people’s perceptions of reality—depictions of the poor young victims of the Industrial Revolution were controversial at the time, but their humanism coaxed growing interest in children’s rights. On their heels were the Impressionists—instrumental in depicting the intimacies of daily life. [ANNE HIGONNET QUOTE(S) HERE]
Literature, too, began changing the landscape of perceptions on childhood. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the religious view of saving children’s souls gave way to a mindset based less on the perils of youth and more on the innocence, creativity, emotion, and pliability of childhood. Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s 1762 work Émile, or On Education argues children’s inherent innocence, underscoring natural development in order to maintain the most desirable attributes of childhood and evolve into well-adjusted adults. Romantic poets wove ideals of childhood as a force for good, furthering the shift into a cult of childhood that would envelop the modern Western world.
Writers and readers became fascinated by the idea of perpetual childhood—J.M. Barrie’s 1904 play (later a beloved novel) Peter Pan being a prime example. Both Peter Pan and Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) were inspired by the authors’ close relationships with children—another window into increasing adult interest in the interior worlds of the young. [GRENBY QUOTE(S) HERE] Alongside the philosophical work, writers like Cha