What is the psychological and emotional impact of urinary incontinence in children and young people aged 5-18 years old?
apprehending the world. Each and every advertisement is included in cultural shadow and let the readers to negotiate and share the cultural subject matter. Symbols are artistic and man-made. These symbols constructed the world and made the network of social relations in much the same way as religion, science and arts. Science and arts construct the scientific and aesthetic world. Symbolic action and symbolic interaction gratify in the social stream to construct the shadows of the distinctive behaviours of human.
The symbolic and iconic conversation and conventions in the advertisements moves its audience via ritualized enactments by the properties of experiences the cultural esteems . This repetitive ritual will help to maintain the culture by reducing the variance in the cultural behaviour and probably help to lead the cultural perceptions to become natural perceptions. Advertisements construct the definitive reality in the viewpoint. This make the product therapy (Henry 1959) in the competitive marketing world, communicate powerfully and leads to the over consumption world.
In addition, by the transmission model of communication, the source (sender, communicator) relays an information, encodes it using the language or image code and sends it through a transmitter using a certain channel (route, medium) to a receiver (recipient). The receiver gets the encrypted message via a particular receiver and deciphers it. The content is then prepared to interpretation – suc