Psychology Leadership


Do leaders have to have certain personality types or character traits to be effective, as the “great man” model of leadership suggests? Do you think people are “born” leaders, or can leadership be taught? Explain your rationale. Engage your peers with questions.

Sample Solution

The “great man” model of leadership, which suggests leaders are born with inherent traits, is outdated. Here’s why:

  • Diversity of Effective Leaders: We see successful leaders with vastly different personalities. Think of the quiet, yet inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. compared to the charismatic Winston Churchill. Both achieved incredible feats.
  • Learned Skills: Leadership involves skills like communication, decision-making, and delegation. These can be honed through experience and training.

So, can leadership be taught?

Absolutely! Think about it:

  • Leadership Programs: Many successful leaders participate in programs that develop their skills.
  • Learning from Others: We can observe effective leaders and learn from their strategies.

But personality does play a role!

  • Natural Tendencies: Some people may be more outgoing or decisive, making it easier to step into leadership roles.
  • Adaptability is Key: The best leaders can adjust their approach based on the situation and their team.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • What personality traits do you think are most important for effective leadership?
  • Can someone with a more introverted personality be a successful leader? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever witnessed someone develop their leadership skills over time? How did they do it?

By discussing these ideas, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of leadership. It’s not just about being born with the “right stuff,” but about cultivating the skills and adaptability to be a great leader!


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