Public censorship of bodies



Our reading this week continues to build upon the concepts of public censorship of bodies, which undoubtedly becomes an issue of social control. Bathing
spaces have often been seen as the great equalizer in terms of how humans our viewed. Wealth and social status do not matter when confronted with one’s
appearance in a state as close as possible to “au naturale.” One cannot hide behind clothes and jewelry or in side a new automobile or grand house. Rich and
poor alike are subject to the public gaze based solely upon their bodies and what is deemed appropriate or desirable.
For women, there were far more complexities added to the equation of how bathing bodies were/are viewed. Social control in censoring what was worn in
public also came with the understanding that women’s bodies were sexualized in the process. Latham’s article brings us into this situation with her look at
bathing bodies, pageants, and censorship. Using her examination, identify and discuss what you think was the most significant element of this movement in
the early 20th century and whether or not you see it present in modern America.


Sample Solution

Masculinity: It means to see whether emphasis is on achievement and earning. Indonesia scores low on the masculinity as compared to Australia and New Zealand that means Asian people that they prefer quality of life and not run after material things like money while in western countries during work they give high priority to the work if they have set some deadlines they tend to achieve it on the specific time. • Uncertainty Avoidance: It means to measure how people reacts to the unseen situations. Indonesia scores less on the uncertainty avoidance as compared to Australia and New Zealand. Indonesian believes that uncertainty is common in business and they do not take stress. They believe that managers should not use bad language for the staff they should overcome difficult situations with themselves and try to keep smiling how angry they are inside. While in western countries concept is opposite, managers become furious if they see unseen situations like targets are not met within deadlines. • Long term orientation: These organisations generally looks towards achieving long term objectives they are generally future oriented. Indonesian culture is long term oriented, it believes on maintaining relationship and assume that employee will remain within the company for long period, while in western countries short term orientation culture is adopted. They feel that time is precious. • Indulgence: It means how people control their own desires and children are socialised towards society. Indonesian have low indulgence as compared to Australia and New Zealand that means Indonesian people do not prefer leisure time and have control on their desires. Section 2 Indonesia Archipalego: Indonesian archipelago is unique in terms of Asia because it has many islands and having more than 245 million population and majority of the population here is Muslim. Its culture is ethnically diverse and increasingly have urbanised population (Naafs 2013). • Economic Structure: Indonesia Economy 2011 defines that every country has different economic systems. Initially Indonesia adopted liberal economic system in which communities perform economic activities. Thereafter socialist economic system came into existence, but in the new era socialist economic system again transformed into democracy economic system. This system continued until reformation and after reformation economic system based on social economy was adopted by government and still prevails in the Indonesia. Indonesian economy has seen very up and downs in the last few decades and it mostly depends upon the agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors. Agriculture is the primary sector, manufacturing comes on the secondary level and service sector is on the tertiary level (Indonesia economic structure 2010) • Religion: Indonesia investments defines that six religions are recognised officiall

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