Public Health Preparedness Capabilities


View the Public Health Preparedness Capabilities. Pay specific attention to the Public Health Preparedness Capabilities Planning Model. Your re port should identify and plan for a state of your choosing with an emphasis on the three defined phases:

Assess current state: Assess organizational roles and responsibilities, resource elements, and performance.
Determine goals: Review jurisdictional inputs, prioritize capabilities and functions, and develop short- and long-term goals.
Develop plans: Plan organizational initiatives, capability building/sustain activities, and capability evaluations/demonstrations.
Explore each of the 3 phases and associated steps.

Sample Solution




This report outlines a plan for building public health preparedness capabilities in [State Name] based on the Public Health Preparedness Capabilities (PHPC) framework and its three-phase Planning Model: Assess, Determine Goals, and Develop Plans.

Phase 1: Assess Current State

  • Organizational Roles and Responsibilities:
    • Identify all relevant state and local public health agencies involved in preparedness and response.
    • Assess the roles and responsibilities of each agency in emergency situations.
    • Evaluate existing coordination and communication mechanisms between agencies.
  • Resource Elements:
    • Inventory available resources including:
      • Human resources (trained public health workforce, emergency responders)
      • Material resources (stockpiles of medical supplies, personal protective equipment)
      • Technological resources (communication infrastructure, data management systems)
    • Assess the adequacy of resources to meet potential threats.
  • Performance:
    • Evaluate past responses to public health emergencies to identify strengths and weaknesses.
    • Analyze existing data on disease surveillance, outbreak detection, and emergency response times.
    • Conduct training exercises to assess preparedness and identify areas for improvement.

Phase 2: Determine Goals

  • Jurisdictional Inputs:
    • Gather input from key stakeholders including public health officials, elected officials, community leaders, and the public.
    • Identify specific public health threats relevant to [State Name] based on factors like geography, population demographics, and historical trends.
  • Prioritize Capabilities and Functions:
    • Review the 15 PHPC capabilities outlined by the CDC (e.g., Surveillance, Public Information and Education, Epidemiology and Investigation, etc.)
    • Prioritize the capabilities most critical for addressing the identified threats in [State Name].
    • Identify essential public health functions (e.g., core public health services, environmental health) that need to be maintained during emergencies.
  • Develop Short- and Long-Term Goals:
    • Develop short-term goals focusing on immediate capability improvements necessary for the next 1-2 years.
    • Establish long-term goals to enhance overall preparedness and achieve a high level of performance across all PHPC capabilities.

Phase 3: Develop Plans

  • Organizational Initiatives:
    • Outline specific initiatives to address gaps identified in the assessment phase.
    • These might include:
      • Workforce development programs to train and expand the public health workforce.
      • Resource acquisition strategies to secure necessary medical supplies and equipment.
      • Development of communication plans to ensure effective information sharing during emergencies.
  • Capability Building and Sustainment Activities:
    • Develop plans for ongoing training, drills, and exercises to maintain and strengthen capabilities.
    • Identify funding sources to support capability building and sustainability efforts.
    • Establish performance metrics to monitor progress towards goals and identify areas for improvement.
  • Capability Evaluations and Demonstrations:
    • Schedule regular evaluations to assess the effectiveness of preparedness plans and capabilities.
    • Conduct training exercises to simulate real-world scenarios and identify areas for improvement.
    • Participate in national preparedness exercises to learn best practices and benchmark performance.


By following the PHPC Planning Model, [State Name] can develop a comprehensive and adaptable plan for public health preparedness. Regularly assessing current state, determining goals based on identified threats, and developing specific plans will ensure [State Name] is well-positioned to respond effectively to public health emergencies and protect the health of its citizens.


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