1. NAME the 3 types of blood vessels and determine which is at the highest risk to be life-threatening?
2. What is the FIRST step to CONTROL BLEEDING for both minor and major open wounds AFTER YOU
3. Describe each type of dressing and discuss when you would use a Tourniquet and/or a Hemostatic
4. What is Internal Bleeding and what are the Signs and Symptoms?
5. Identify the four (4) possible or types of SHOCK and briefly DESCRIBE the cause of each.
6. Describe the SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS of SHOCK?
7. LIST the First Aid steps for a victim in SHOCK.
8. What is a Closed Wound and what is the First Aid for a Closed Wound? .
9. DESCRIBE EACH WOUND listed and Care FOR EACH WOUND… abrasion, laceration, avulsion,
amputation, puncture wound and crush injuries. )
10. NAME 6 (six) types of Bandages or dressings used for care of an open wound.. and WHEN are they
11. What special care should be taken for an embedded/impaled object in a wound?
12. How can you tell if a wound is infected?.
13. DESCRIBE the 3 type of “thickness” burns and CARE for each.
14. How do you identify a Critical Burn .
15. DESCRIBE and DISCUSS First Aid for Heat (Thermal), Chemical, Electrical, and Radiation burns..
Scenarios: (worth 2 points)
1. You respond to a scene where a construction worker is lying unresponsive on his back. Another worker tells
you that a few minutes ago he was struck in the abdomen by a concrete block that tumbled from on top of a
wall. A coworker unbuttoned the man’s shirt to see if he was bleeding and discovered although his skin was
abrased and bruise, there was no active bleeding.
• Explain the first actions and possible first aid steps you should take.
You carefully check the abdomen. It is hard and swollen, and his skin is cool and moist.
• Explain your next first aid steps
Public health; types of blood vessels
Blood vessels may be tiny but they cover a lot of ground. They carry blood around the body. There are three kinds of blood vessels: arteries, veins, and capillaries. Each of these plays a specific role in the circulation process. Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. Capillaries connect the arteries to vein. Veins carry the blood back to the heart. Arteries are the largest and strongest. Healthy arteries are flexible, strong and elastic. Their inner lining is smooth so that the blood flows freely, supplying vital organs and tissues with nutrients and oxygen. High blood pressure is a risk factor for more than heart disease. Hypertension gradually increases the pressure of blood flowing through your arteries. As a result, you might have damaged and narrowed arteries and aneurysm.
1th Century Scotland was deemed a very much patriarchal society. There was a clear concept of hierarchy in society, which Shakespeare demonstrates at different points within the play. The witches have been said to represent women’s attempt to gain power in a society that’s set up to give power only to men. In Jacobean society, women would have been towards the bottom of the Chain of Being and certainly below men. Similarly to Lady Macbeth in act 1 scene 5, the Witches endeavour to make appear increasingly manly in an attempt to acquire more power. Shakespeare gives the characters of the witches beards (You should be women, yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so’) to symbolise this desire. Macbeth’s hallucinations, or visions present the impact of the supernatural. One example of a hallucination is when Macbeth asks, ‘Is this a dagger which I see before me’. The fact that Macbeth is seeing a floating dagger, in his mind is another demonstration of the supernatural. Here, the supernatural is essentially pressing Macbeth to murder Duncan. Shakespeare could be purposefully highlighting how evil the supernatural is as it is not only telling him to kill – but commit the act of regicide, which in the 11th Century, was possibly the worst crime anyone could commit, along with communicating with the supernatural. During Macbeth’s soliloquy he questions if the dagger is just ‘a dagger of the mind’ or a ‘false creation’. This causes Macbeth to question his own psychological state and whether the dagger is just a hallucination, caused the pressure of Duncan’s homicide and the pressure placed on him by his manipulative and cunning wife, Lady Macbeth. The audience at the time will have been shocked by this as Jacobean society saw king’s as almost holy since they respected the divine right of kings. Furthermore, here, Shakespeare is displaying the power that the supernatural has over events in the play since Macbeth has been driven to insanity by a supernatural prophecy.