Public policy and migration


write a research proposal on the topic of migration and public policy . the aim of proposal is to study the issue of governance migration through public agenise of receiving states of migrant. taking in account the economic factor such as wages , fiscal and poltical and scoiol factor as well . and to address the effects of migration to policy making on the part of the receiving government? how the integration can become active and the Challenges to the receiving states . it must adresss the economic challenge and of allocation wages , rescores a matter of equalization in work force between migrant and national of states . as well poltical and social challenge of migrant . additionally to address Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the country. and how migration paly critical role in economic growth and development in receiving states . the paper must follow a a integrating the political-social approach with the economic-statistical . must mention how migration have various dimension education workforce , youth .​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​… ect the paper must focus on case studies from two courtiers in European courtiers to measure the effect of migration and public policy toward that. proposal must cover these point 1)Introduction : to give what the topic about in clear and direct manner. 2-Problem Statement : identify the problem statement , through crating tension in text by addressing views of scholars 3-the relevance of the Study and Relation within Existing Literature; address the most related and Literature on the topic , beside addressing Schloss views, use books , articles , but books must use a good quality critiques one , if there gap adress. 4-Objectives of the Study : mention two Objectives -5-research Question/: address only two research question , make it very precisely migration chlllange on economy and states behaviour development 6-Methodology : choose a fit methodology that fit with paper being critical and analytical and applying theories political-social approach with the economic-statistical Use statistical approach to help analysis it from political-social approac​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​h

Sample Solution

A disaster is defined as a “humanitarian catastrophe associated with a natural hazard event” (Pelling and Dill 2009: 22). Governments, corporations, investors take advantage of the desperation and destruction in the aftermath of these natural hazard events to expedite sweeping neoliberal policies such as privatization, deregulation, marketization which reshape societies in the interest of a few elite (Venugopal 2015: 4; Gotham 2012: 633; Pelling and Dill 2009: 22-24).

In the recent past, disaster events have become commonplace. Their severity and impact has been tremendous (Sandoval and Gonzalez-Muzzio 2015: 1). The rise in their number and gravity has been paralleled by an almost simultaneous rise in neoliberal reforms (Sandoval and Gonzalez-Muzzio 2015: 1). Neoliberal reforms “are political reforms conducted by governments aimed to establish an institutional framework characterised by strong private property rights, free markets and free trade” (Harvey 2005: 2). Harvey (2005: 4) asserts that these reforms are rooted in neoliberalism as “a theory of political economic practices that proposes that human well-being can best be advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills.” Neoliberalism rose to prominence in the 1970s and 80s as a policy reaction to economic downturns that plagued U.S. and European states (Prasad 2006). Saad-Filho and Johnston (2005: 2) term neoliberalism as “a hegemonic system of enhanced exploitation of the majority, a global system of minority power, plunder of nations and despoilment of the environment which tramples upon the poor, undermines rights and entitlements, and defeats resistance through a combination of domestic political, economic, legal, ideological and media pressures, backed up by international blackmail and military force if necessary.” Gotham (2008: 1042) describes it as a “political ideology that advocates market-based solutions to social problems and has influenced a range of policies to engineer economic growth, privatize public services and assets, and intensify inter-urban competition for capital investment.” Thorsen and Amund (2006) contend that neoliberalism is “a loosely demarcated set of political beliefs which include the conviction that the only legitimate purpose of the state is to safeguard individual,

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