“Public Safety & Security”




After reading the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide, write an ESF13 “Public Safety & Security” coordination annex on how Bobsville will coordinate with Federal Agencies in the case of a large scale disaster.

Here are some supplemental materials on the Emergency Support Functions.

FEMA – ESF and Support Annexes Overview

FEMA – ESF Support Function Annexes Introduction

Write a summary on the function and its contents.


Sample Solution

ESF-13 Public Safety & Security Coordination Annex – Bobsville


This Emergency Support Function (ESF) 13 Public Safety & Security Coordination Annex outlines the plan for Bobsville, California, to collaborate with federal agencies in the event of a large-scale disaster. It details communication protocols, resource requests, and response procedures to ensure a coordinated and efficient response that prioritizes public safety and security.

Function of ESF-13:

ESF-13 focuses on coordinating public safety and security efforts during a disaster. This includes:

  • Law enforcement and crowd control
  • Fire suppression and emergency medical services
  • Search and rescue operations
  • Traffic control and infrastructure protection
  • Communications and public information dissemination
  • Hazardous material response
  • Crime prevention and security measures

Contents of the Annex:

  1. Situation Assessment:
    • Defines the disaster type (e.g., earthquake, flood) and its potential impact on Bobsville’s public safety and security.
    • Identifies critical infrastructure and potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Coordination Mechanisms:
    • Establishes a Joint Information Center (JIC) for centralized communication between Bobsville, state, and federal agencies.
    • Defines communication protocols, including designated points of contact and preferred communication methods (phone, email, webEOC).
  3. Resource Requests:
    • Outlines the process for Bobsville to request federal assistance, including personnel, equipment, and specialized expertise (e.g., Urban Search and Rescue Teams).
    • Identifies specific ESF-13 resources Bobsville may need based on the disaster type (e.g., additional law enforcement personnel for crowd control, National Guard troops for infrastructure protection).
  4. Response Procedures:
    • Details the coordinated response plan for public safety and security issues, including:
      • Evacuation procedures and sheltering operations
      • Search and rescue protocols
      • Fire suppression and emergency medical response strategies
      • Traffic control and infrastructure restoration plans
      • Security measures to prevent looting and maintain public order
    • Establishes clear lines of authority and decision-making processes for coordinated response efforts.
  5. Recovery and Mitigation:
    • Describes how Bobsville will collaborate with federal agencies on long-term recovery efforts.
    • Identifies potential public safety and security concerns during recovery (e.g., building inspections, debris removal).


This ESF-13 Public Safety & Security Coordination Annex serves as a roadmap for Bobsville and its federal partners to ensure a swift, well-coordinated response that prioritizes the safety and security of its citizens during a large-scale disaster. Regular review, training, and communication exercises will ensure its effectiveness in real-world emergencies.

Note: This annex is a general framework and should be adapted to Bobsville’s specific needs and capabilities. Additionally, it’s crucial to reference the resources provided (FEMA – ESF and Support Annexes Overview, FEMA – ESF Support Function Annexes Introduction) for a more comprehensive understanding of ESF-13 and its role in disaster response.


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