Qualitative and quantitative research




Define qualitative and quantitative research, then complete a 2-page case study based on what was learned from the attached articles/journals.
References: Only peer-reviewed articles and journals APUS Online Library. Please use the three references listed below
Knemeyer, A. M., Ponzurick, T. G., & Logar, C. M. (2002). A qualitative examination of factors affecting reverse logistics systems for end-of-life computers. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 32(6), 455. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/232593201?accountid=8289
McQuarrie, E. (1991), “The customer visit: qualitative research for business-to-business marketers”, Marketing Research, Vol. 3 No.1, pp. 15-29.
Stock, J. (1995), “Advancing logistics research and thought through the ‘borrowing’ of theories from other disciplines: some ‘old’ ideas whose times have come, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Transportation and Logistics Educators Conference

Sample Solution

The Incredible Years programs are multi-versatile educational program/preparing programs that are used by a great many guardians, instructors, and youngsters over the world. Regardless of whether a youngster has a diagnosable issue, is certainly not a set prerequisite for program capability. In any case, this being stated, the program was intended for an intended interest group with some regular central focuses. The Incredible Years programs primarily target youngsters that have been determined to have disarranges, for example, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), and CD (Conduct Disorder) (Webster-Stratton, 2013). Additionally included inside the objective populace are financially distraught families, worker families, families alluded by CPS (Child Protective Services), and youngsters who show socio-enthusiastic issues (Webster-Stratton, 2013). Since the Incredible Years programs have such a different objective group of spectators, essential conveyance settings for the program likewise fluctuate. Conveyance settings for the projects are quite often network based, however now and then they can be somewhat increasingly selective. A few instances of essential conveyance areas for the projects include: emergency clinics, psychological well-being offices, jails, covers, homes, strict associations, essential consideration offices, grade schools, YMCAs, and in particular Head Start preschools (Webster-Stratton, 2013). Taking into account that the projects are centered around surviving and anticipating social, lead, scholarly, and social issues/issues inside kids, the objective populaces legitimately relate with program objectives. On the off chance that lead, social, and scholastic issues are avoided and treated at an opportune time they can hinder the beginning of: cutting edge direct issue, substance misuse, brutality, scholarly underachievement, and future wrongdoing (Webster-Stratton, 2013). This is particularly valid for kids and guardians who originate from impeded and high hazard foundations with negligible assets (Webster-Stratton, 2013). As a network based asset the Incredible Years programs fill in as a life saver for families that don’t have the financially intends to get the guide they need.

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