Qualitative Research and Searching Databases for Meta-analysis or Meta-synthesis.



Introduction to Qualitative Research and Searching Databases for Meta-analysis or Meta-synthesis.

Purpose: Identify the steps of the Qualitative Research Process. Recognize different types of quantitative studies. Demonstrate how to search for a meta-analysis or meta-synthesis. MLO 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

Provided Evidence: see attach article below

Article title: The COPD Exacerbation Experience: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

Part I – Critical Analysis (62%)

Qualitative research is a systematic approach used to describe experiences and situations from the perspective of persons in the situation. The qualitative research process follows the same general steps as the quantitative research process but is based on different philosophical values and assumptions.

Answer the following questions using the provided evidence

What is the research problem/what is the gap in knowledge?
What are the aims of the study?
What is the study’s design?
How were data collected?
Was audiotaping and coding used in the study?
What was the mean age of the participants?
What was the main theme and what were the six subthemes?
The study’s findings indicated that participants experienced an illness prodrome how many days prior to the onset of an acute exacerbation?
Name one study limitation.
What level of evidence is this article based on the Hierarchy of Evidence?
List the reference for this article in correct APA format.

Sample Solution


The 1950-53 Korean war finished in a cease-fire rather than a conventional harmony affirmation, or in fact the United Nations powers drove by the US are at war with the North. The ongoing impasse in the atomic arrangements with North Korea have additionally uncovered the dissatisfactions inside the US organization in managing the one-party state drove by a dynastic extremist tyranny of Kim Jong-un.

Since the finish of the Korean War in July 1953, encounters and incognito invasion endeavors between the two nations – generally along the accepted oceanic fringe known as the Northern Limit Line (NLL) – have not been remarkable. In any case, the two nations comprehend that a full-scale restoration of threats would be deplorable for the two Koreas – a hazard that the more created and well off ROK has endeavored to stop through its proceeded with common guard bargain with the United States and extensive military speculation of its own.

The sloping up of the DPRK’s atomic weapons program and synchronous advancement of a submarine propelled ballistic rocket capacity has just served to intensify pressures on the promontory. It likewise impacts the complex and frequently fragile snare of geopolitical and monetary relations that exist between the other principle provincial players, quite North Korea’s promoter, China; South Korea’s primary partner, the United States; and Japan.

Sinking of the South Korean corvette Cheonan the evening of 26 March 2010 by what South Korea guaranteed was an unexpected torpedo assault from a North Korean diminutive person submarine gave an obvious token of the delicate condition of harmony that exists between the two Koreas. The intensely mobilized Korean promontory – with the capricious and separated socialist governed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the north and the financially prosperous Republic of Korea (ROK) in the south – stays a functioning ‘hotspot’.

The North Korean Navy works an armada of more than 70 submarines of different sorts for the most part with out of date or old innovation (twenty Romeo-class submarines, forty Sang-O ‘Shark’) class waterfront submarines (SSCs) and ten smaller person submarines of the Yono class). Given the vintage and advances utilized, the unwavering quality of quite a bit of this huge armada is suspect. In any case, there are more up to date types incorporating a bunch outfitted with at least one ballistic rockets which are in effect quickly created which could be the genuine North Korean Submarine risk.

As every atomic power do, the North Koreans have consistently spread their atomic weapons store among various conveyance frameworks to keep the foe speculating. The present move in the concentration toward the advancement of a submarine-based framework is a change in outlook in the thinking about the North Korean initiative who may have understood that it is the best elective alternative thinking about that they are smarter to send strategically contrasted with land frameworks. North Korea is endeavoring to spread its stockpile between land-based intercontinental ballistic rockets and submarine-propelled ballistic rockets.

While superficially it might appear that the evident out of date innovation of the ordinary submarine arm, and restricted reach or strike ability of the North Koreans could be contained by the South Korean, US and Japanese resources, it is reasonable to investigate the North Korean capacities opposite the South Korean abilities. Considering just the submarine arm of the NKPA, the huge armada could be effectively used to occupy consideration or to cause the adversary to respond in a specific way, advocating an assault which is completed utilizing submarine/land based ballistic rockets. North Koreas history of outfitted incitements demonstrates that it is very able to do such strategies.

Under Kim Jong-Un, the Korean Peoples Navy (KPN) has started various modernisations of existing submarines since the mid 2000. Key modernization have been of the Romeo class (around 22 in Numbers) and development of the 34 m Sang-O class for unique activity (to in the long run supplant the Romeo class). Around 1999-2000 an extended surveillance submarine called the Sang-O II class (K-300-class SSC) were developed and by 2005 a few were in administration.

North Korea propelled its first SSBA at the Sinpo South Shipyard in July 2014. The ‘Sinpo’ or ‘Gorae’ (“Whale”) class (dislodging 1500 tons and 67 m length and 6.7 m width) Diesel Electric ballistic-rocket submarine (SSB) program has mixed the dispatch innovation from Golf class ballistic rocket submarines in the submarines sail zone and can dispatch the Pukkusong-1 ballistic rockets. The following in class or the SINPO-C, a diesel electric submarine with a dislodging of 2000 ton and a pillar width of 36 feet would convey a couple of ballistic rockets. This new innovation is intentionally intended to improve the compass of the atomic weapons dispatch stage nearer to their objectives in S Korea while preventing them safe from being assaulted. While the evident absence of complex innovation with North Korea implies that it is dependent upon simple recognition by the US and its united enemy of submarine powers, the submarine would anyway have a genuinely decent possibility of having the option to arrive at its dispatch position submerged to complete a hit with the two phase Pukguksong-1 rocket having an expected scope of over 700 nms to focus on any area in South Korea or Japan.

North Korea might be attempting to create atomic headed airborne rockets yet its present arrangement of modernizing and outfitting the conveyance stage for example its submarine armada needs genuine thought. In 2015, evidently huge numbers of these couldn’t be represented in this manner setting off cautions . The ownership of a capacity to dispatch rockets from a submarine as opposed to a static site enlarges the hazard appraisal for its adversaries.

So what are the ROKN capacities against the PRK N SLBM risk ?

The way in to this inquiry lies in the announcement in 2017 by Vice Adm. Lee, Ki-Sik, Commander of the Republic of Korea Fleet “Our ROK-US collusion will counter the North Korean atomic improvement and SLBM dangers sincerely.” But this partnership is additionally loaded with holes .

The ROKN propelled a free submarine order 01 Feb 2015 , featuring its accentuation on undersea activities. The Command, the 6th of its sort on the planet, brings tasks, coordinations, preparing and support under one rooftop, as per Navy authorities. The direction’s primary strategic to all the more likely shield the nation from North Korean maritime incitements. The order, situated in the southern port city of Jinhae, works thirteen diesel-electric submarines (nine 1,200-ton type 209 or Chang Bogo class ( group II spear rocket competent) KSS-I, and eight 1,800-ton type 214 HDW Son Wonil-class with AIP (KSS-II) with one all the more being authorized by 2019.

In different plans, the Navy additionally will send nine 3,000-ton overwhelming assault submarines, code named KSS-III, outfitted with various vertical dispatch cylinders to fire 1,500-kilometer journey rockets that could hit key focuses in North Korea. The improvement of the KSS-III lead deliver began last November at the dockyard of Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering.

To augment hostile to submarine tasks, the Navy intends to get 12 additional helicopters; in 2013, the administration purchased eight AW-159 Lynx Wildcat helicopters for about $540 million.

Frigate obtaining plans additionally are on track. Under the FFX bunch I program, five 2,300-ton Incheon-class frigates have been authorized, with one more structure wanted to be set above water this year. The warship will assume responsibility for tasks, for example, seaside watch and against submarine fighting. The ship has a structure mounted sonar and six torpedo tubes conveying indigenously created “Blue Shar” 324mm torpedoes. Under the subsequent group program, up to 12 additional frigates are anticipated to enter administration by 2020. These boats are relied upon to be marginally bigger and include a vertical dispatch framework for privately structured medium-go air resistance rockets instead of the clump I’s short-run RAM.

In the mean time, South Korea has likewise consented to enable the United States Army to convey a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) ballistic missile destroying rocket unit to the Korean landmass. While the organization would counter any North Korean rocket assault, the situation of such weapons on the Korean landmass has brought worries up in Beijing and Moscow — the two of which contradict such an arrangement.

US Navy is pitching its Arleigh Burke class USS Spruance alongside ROKN AEGIS destroyers, Submarines, and AS helicopters just as US and ROKN MPAs in a joint Anti Submarine fighting activity to show the bound together guarded maritime power abilities of the ROKN and its partners from surface, sub surface and ballistic rocket danger.

Post 2010 assaults South Korean changed its maritime weaknesses and marked a joint counter incitement emergency course of action with US to improve partnered guards and prevention abilities. South Korea accepted more noteworthy accountability after move of its wartime operational command(OPCON) in 2015. In any case, South Korea Navy ends up being pulled outwards for (more noteworthy local and worldwide duty) and internal (safeguarding the nation). For this South Korea must have a far reaching maritime methodology and power organizing.

Since initiation the south Korean Naval powers have been under underlined in contrast with its territory/ground powers depending more on US maritime powers. Thus, the ROKN armada stayed littler than required for completely tending to the North Korean risk. What’s more, more prominent worldwide obligations without comparable increment in stages and faculty will in the end lead to fatigue of operational rhythm stressing the administration. There are recognitions that US ROK intel, following, order and control issues are lacking to accommodate a two-sided coordinated maritime activity to counter the N Korean danger.



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