Qualities and behaviors that are very important in developing a therapeutic alliance


The textbook describes several counselor qualities and behaviors that are very important in developing a therapeutic alliance and contribute to the quality of the treatment environment. List and discuss the qualities and behaviors that you believe are essential for a counselor to possess. How do you compare? In other words, in reviewing the list, what qualities do you believe you have? What qualities do you need to develop?

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Qualities and behaviors that are very important in developing a therapeutic alliance

Counselors work in diverse community setting designed to provide a variety of counseling, rehabilitation, and support services. Their duties vary greatly, depending on their specialty, which is determined by the setting in which they work and the population they serve. To be a good counselor you must possess the following qualities: patient, good listening, observant, having empathy with the patient/client, maintaining a therapeutic relationship with a patient, confidentiality, and personal integrity. Whether you have been a licensed professional counselor for 20 years or you are new to the profession, you must maintain confidence in your work. A client is looking to you to help, so use your education and experience assuredly.

still present and African American’s are still seen as less than Caucasians and there are many articles and evidence to prove this. Racial discrimination is present, and it has not disappeared in the United States as many would like to believe. The injustice and inequality effect many across the US and the world and not just within income but across all aspects of their life.

In the US today, education is the main contributor to the income inequality. A majority of African Americans are at a disadvantage not only because of their income but they can’t afford college due to their income. Tuition, as well as getting loans for college are difficult which affects the potential income one makes. The difference between income based on graduating high school and college is huge.

The impact of slavery on current income disparities is associated with a higher degree of income inequality. Today, former slave counties are more unequal and have a higher poverty rate and higher racial inequality. Inequality still stems from the past. US slavery exerts a lingering effect on racial income disparities. “After the Civil War, a new kind of capitalism arose, in the United States and elsewhere. Yet that new capitalism characterized first and foremost by states with unprecedented, bureaucratic, infrastructural, and military capacities, and by wage labor—”

Not only are there injustices between African Americans and Caucasians in income but there is discrimination between applying for college, residential segregation, rent prices and health inequality. “African Americans are disproportionately treated at health care facilities with the fewest technological resources, the most poorly trained professionals, and least experienced clinicians serve predominately black patient populations.” These injustices have been around too long and we need to be better as a country to better understand the discrimination and income inequality happening in our country today. As a country we can come together and fight this inequality by proposing a wealth tax for the on

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