Quantitative research


Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.

Sample Solution

on the claim about the treaties that weren’t clear to the first nation is the government of Canada should compensate and amend or interpret it in a modern way. Solutions should not be from 200 years old ‘agreement’ between parties that they don’t exist anymore. However, The government needs to provide drastic measures so that the treaty rights are more clearly defined. This will help people from both parties to get a clear look of the treaty and a solution can be made thus helping both the aboriginal people and the government as well.

Another way of resolving the native issue is to inform and engage the public. People who are Interested should read the historical treaty documents between Canada’s aboriginal peoples and the Crown. They are written in impenetrable legal language. Those who are interested should also acquaint themselves with the text of the Indian Act. People should read and understand then reflect and also engage the MPs. We need to understand where the problem is and one way of doing that is to read about it. We should also come together as one and stop calling it a ‘native issue.’ Because we all share the land hence we should joint people in supporting them on what is threatening the land and waters that we all hare.

There has been a lot of push and pull both from the first nation and the government but no solution has come in place. Both parties try to make moves such as peaceful protest and legal and illegal moves no solution yet has been found. However, the most effective way to come up with a solution is as did earlier as history tells us, ‘negotiation’. Government officials should go to the aboriginal people themselves and stop sending chiefs to speak to the aboriginal people but do it themselves and negotiate calmly. On the other hand, the aboriginal should also remove their fate from choosing elders as the chief and try to choose an intelligent and an educated leader who will present them in a meaningful and modern

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