Quantitative Research




How to institute a safety culture by emphasizing the company’s operational and logistic issues with a minimum
safety protocol?
*Locate a peer-reviewed journal article that presents quantitative research results that you will use as a source
in your literature review. On one page,
1.) Summarize the research, including how the data was gathered (typically a compilation of multiple
interviews, focus groups, surveys asking open-ended questions), and what conclusions emerged from the
2.) Discuss 2 insights you gained into analyzing quantitative research.
3.) Include two direct or indirect quotations from the article and a reference that adhere to APA standards.




My Extended Project Qualification theme decision is the ‘Mozart Effect’. I have chosen to concentrate on the impacts of traditional music, particularly Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major Key K.448, and its consequences for psychological capacity and spatial thinking. Just as this, I will be investigating the first 1991 ` article and how it would look when it is pivoted. The left half of the globe (the left hand side of the cerebrum) has a principle target of controlling and creating ‘Spatial Reasoning’. The left half of the mind is the place maths and spatial counts are completed with relate legitimately to great spatial comprehension.




Mozart and Classical Music

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (complete name, Johannes Chystostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart) is potentially the most skilled old style performer throughout the entire existence of traditional music. Mozart was an arranger, director, virtuoso piano player, organist and musician, with his music grasping concertos, show, choral, chamber, instrumental, ensemble and vocal viewpoints.

Mozart was conceived in Salzburg in 1756 to a dad of an aspiring Composer and Violinist; be that as it may, his sister, Nannerl was the kid wonder of the family. At 16 years old, Mozart had before long gotten one of music’s first “independent” experts in spite of holding the status of a gourmet expert in the Court of Salzburg.

Mozart showed up in Vienna in 1781, when he was 25, and wedded Constanze Weber a year later in 1782. During this time he started to put on shows, distribute music and get commission for his dramas.

In the principal study completed, 36 college understudies were played either 10 minutes of Mozart’s Piano Sonata for two Pianos in D Major K.448, 10 minutes of a taped self-mesmerizing or sat peacefully for 10 minutes. In any case, in the examination that was rehashed a choice of 84 understudies at first partook.

The understudies were part into three capacity proportional gatherings dependent on a trial of 16-paper collapsing and cutting things and memory put together test given to them with respect to the main day of the examination to gauge every individual’s spatial thinking. The collapsing and cutting paper movement and the memory test was done in a manner by which the understudies would see a photograph for a moment on an overhead projector, and afterward they were offered time to work out the response and record it down in a booklet. From these outcomes the understudies were part into gatherings of Mozart, quietness or self-spellbinding.

The examination went on for 10 to 15 minutes and every understudy was paid $30 over a back to back five-day time frame. An aggregate of 84 understudies took an interest anyway just 79 understudies completely finished the examination.

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